Blogger Ms. Smitten gets to the subtext of what all those non-New Yorkers are really saying when they complain about Manhattan prices and extoll the virtues of the Midwest. She writes these words to live by:

"In The Big Apple, being single and owning little of value allows you to extend your adolescence indefinitely. Some may call this existence shallow. Others may call it vapid, immature, and pointless. But you re all just jealous because I m having more fun than you.

"I m 27, and outside of going to work and ensuring my bills get paid, I m FREE. I spend 0% of my time cleaning, up keeping, maintaining, or polishing anything beside myself. My belongings are kept at a minimum due to a succession of small living spaces. I m never tied down; few things could keep me from flying to Fiji tomorrow, just for the hell of it. I can get wicked drunk on a Monday night, hop in a cab and be in bed in 15 minutes."
Urban Neverland [Smitten] [via hit or miss]