Gawker Stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send yours here.

In this issue: an freak encounter with Adrian Brody, David Duchovny, Edward Norton, Sean Lennon, Robin Williams, Lucas Haas, Peter Dinklage, Scott Speedman, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Singer, Jason Lewis, Linda Evangelista, Mo Rocca, Bachelor Bob, Elvis Costello, Mary Louise Parker, Jim Courier, Tyra Banks, Ben and Jen, Liza Minelli, Carrot Top, David Burke, and superlative model Helena Christensen
· I saw Adrian Brody and his Mom and Dad eating a steak dinner at Butter on Lafayette Wednesday night. I ran directly into him on my way out of the bathrooms downstairs and thought approaching him and saying something witty would make for a good story to all my friends, so I asked him why Holly Hunter never uttered a word in the movie he was in and asked him if that was Harvey Keitel's real ass or a body double. I thought he would grasp the fact I was referring to the Piano, not the Pianist. Instead, he didn't get it and instead looked at me like I was some sort of stalker freak, making me the most un-hip, un-cool New Yorker on the planet. He was really cute though ...

· Sitting on the bench outside of Taylor's at hudson and 10th I saw David Duchovny go into Elixir this morning, talking on a cell phone and balding on top! He looked taller than I thought he'd be but my friend said he looked smaller than she thought so go figure.
· Last night at Grange Hall spotted Edward Norton having dinner with a very waify blonde girl . He is very cute in person, and so was she though I have no idea who she was .
· Sean Lennon recovering from some partying at the famous Russian/Turkish bath on 10th avenue....
· in times of war: robin williams and bleached curly-haired pal walking west on rivington early saturday afternoon. dressed in faux-combat wear...camoflage jacket, army green utility pants and felt beret. um, isn't he well over 10 yrs old? LATER, a tall, v. skinny lucas haas entering veselka with assorted pals. sporting stylish navy peacoat. still boyish face suggests 10 yrs old...
· i had a few sightings this weekend, although, by far my fav was seeing the dwarf star from station agent. late sat. afternoon, my friend and i were walking through the plaza in front of julliard, and we noticed the station agent guy because he was talking VERY loudly into his cell phone and saying how annoyed he was because he had to go do a GQ spread. i mean, not to be a total asshole, but it's not everyday you hear a dwarf yelling about his upcoming GQ pictoral. sunday after brunch, my friend and i were walking in the w village and saw a foxy scott speedman in a tannish tee - he's a lot beefier/buffer than i'd imagined. and about an hour later saw ryan gosling walking down 7th ave in chelsea looking tall and very much like a goth kid.
· Bryan Singer (X-Men and Usual Suspects director) was at the Friday night performance of Avenue Q. He was with 3 boys who looked as if they were 15 years old. He should know better than that. 15 will get you 20.
· 9:15am a popular downtown yoga center who do I see but Jason Lewis aka Smith Jarrett from sex and the city. I don;t know if he was coming from class or going but he was clad all in black and had silver wire rim glasses-quite the pseudo intellectual look. Could Mr. Lewis be limbering up for the final season of sex and the city?
· Sunday October 26th saw Linda Evangelista with blonde, curly hair male companion walking down 5th avenue and 6th street??? couple of blocks from Washington Sqaure Park and in the NYU area. Didn't really think it was her until moments after my friend and I passed her we heard two other girls chatting loudly about who it was that they just spotted. Wouldn't have even noticed Linda we all agreed if it hadn't been for the quick glance she gave us where it was like "I'm someone famous but don't gawk at me" look. As my friend quickly noted as he stole a glance at her ass... she was wearing Seven jeans.
· Sunday, Oct 26th, Tompkins Square small dog run: Mo Rocca, with his pug or bulldog (what's the difference again?), sitting on bench and chatting with another (also very handsome) pug/b-dog owner. Then, about 20 minutes later, same Mo Rocca walking pugsley down Clinton Street.
· I am so depressed that I recognized him, since nobody else seemed to, but, Bachelor Bob getting out of a cab at Broadway and 72nd gabbing on his cell, and looking every inch the metrosexual (I know, I know...). He also looked about twenty-five pounds lighter than he does on television. He's certainly not the doughy guy from the fly over states anymore, very Hollywood-ized. No bachelorette in tow, he looked like he should be heading for Chelsea. Hmm...
· While momentarily pausing from drinking excessive amounts of champagne at the bi-weekly party at Nicole's restaurant to grab a quick nicotine fix, saw Elvis Costello tearing down 60th Street. Thought that I might have been mistaken (& just drunk) but when he paused to take a gander at the goings on inside the party, there was no doubt it was him. Those glasses are a dead giveaway.
· mary louise parker , 6pm thursday, sitting the the ledge outside the prada store on broadway and prince with an older female companion. very pregnant. i pointed her out to my friend who mistook her for "a big fat Hasidic jew." she was wearing a heavy black overcoat and a big, round black hat. no makeup. very short.
· Jim Courier at the Crunch on Broadway about 6pm on Wednesday. Looking scruffy, but quite scrumptious. Came in wearing sweats and dropped them right in front of me before getting on the bike in front of mine. Yum. Thought he lived in Florida, but perhaps he's just visiting and staying at the Mercer, supposedly guests there have free use at Crunch.
· I was in Barney's the other night around 6:30pm and saw Tyra Banks in the very front, looking at jewelry and talking on her cell phone to somebody. She was carrying two big CO-OP bags and had her hair in cornrow braids. She might have been wearing a little cap, but I can't remember. One of the security guards was sort of hovering around her, near the elevator, probably checking her out.
· A friend of mine just got back from a weekend in Vegas and played a couple of hands of poker with Ben Affleck at the Bellagio before he hit the Palms for a charity celebrity poker tourney, and yes, J. Lo was at his side...said that Ben was really down to earth...but he look he got from her when he tipped the dealer after coming away with about 10 thou! My friend said it was like death warmed over...I guess I can believe at least some of what I read!
· Rode the elevator at work this morning just me, myself, and Liza Minnelli plus one. I avoided making eye contact by staring blankly ahead while she stands against the left wall glaring at me the entire ride. Ooops. Guess I was the one getting stalked.
· carrot top, walking down east 61st street with 3 much older gentlemen in suits. green baseball cap jammed over hair, sleeveless red t-shirt, jeans. his "face" was hideous but slightly less horrifying than appears on television, maybe because there was no sound coming out of it.
· don't know if this registers, but celeb chef david burke (park avenue cafe, kind of a healthier-looking mario batali) running out of gas at mobil station on 60th and york in black bmw and being pushed to pump by attendant, whom he then did not tip.
· I saw "supermodel" Helena Christensen this morning on the corner of Greenwich Ave. and Jane St. in the West Village, with a little fellow (her son, perhaps?). To put it mildly, she looked horrible: down jacket, men's jeans that would've fit two of her in each leg, and it looked like she hadn't brushed (or washed) her hair in at least two weeks, as it was in some kind of huge, gnarly dreadlock.