· On a Bloomberg LP panel recently, Kate Spade CEO Andy Spade showed himself to be with the times by declaring that Tommy Hilfiger is soulless; funnyman and product-pusher Simon Doonan showed himself to be a mere six months behind the times with his assertion that "people with mullets are having more fun." Where, in prison? NY Post]
· Michael Musto on the (aborted) plan to have Jayson Blair review Shattered Glass: "It would probably jump-start an awful trend Polanski reviewing Mystic River? Tom Cruise critiquing Elf?" [Village Voice]
· Rapper Nelly — wait, I'm sorry, but which one of these things is not like the other: Ol' Dirty Bastard. Busta Rhymes. Nelly? Anyway, Mr. Nelly had $1.2 million dollars worth of crap stolen from his Vegas hotel room. No word yet on from whom mincing little thug Nelly had originally stolen the missing items. [NY Daily News]