I've had my crack team of researchers on The Case of The Beaten Hipsters all morning (okay, I Googled a little and checked the news), but I'm coming up with zilch. It seems Craigslisters are foaming at the mouth over an alleged series of beatings of chops-and-trucker-hat-sporting hipsters in Williamsburg. The first report:

"I just found out that a friend of a friend was nearly beaten to death by a bunch of guys on Havermeyer street... Evidently there is a gang of guys beating people up with baseball bats in the area, because the police told my friend this wasn't the first time this has happened recently."

The anti-hipster backlash:

"Forgive us born-n-raised new yorkers fer being a tad bit mad that gotham is turning into chicago and that being able to say you live in Brooklyn just dosen't have the same meaning that it once did. Baseball bats won't be necessary when I snap."

And a young woman from Williamsburg takes a radical position against people being beaten by baseball bats: "As far as I'm concerned, as soon as you attack a stranger with a baseball bat, you don't deserve anything. You're part of the problem."

More — by which I mean any actual — information would be appreciated.
Someone I know was beaten up badly on Havermeyer - 31 [Craigslist]
re: Beating by Baseball Bat [Craigslist]
Hipsters, Arm Yourselves [Craigslist]