After the Times Vows section basically calls New York mag's spicy lifestyle columnist Amy Sohn a ho, it allows her new groom to describe himself as one.

After all, is there any phrase more revealing of one's slanchy sexuality history than "I went to Bennington"? Poor guy.

This sent blogger Dana on a meditation of her own, let's say, tumultuous years at Bennington. She writes: "I was once a Bennington girl. Yes, I remember the chilly fall nights, the ardent intellectualism, and the time that one of the houses on campus had to be fumigated due to a rampant crabs infestation."

Her description of a studio assistant job interview with Bennington boy and future art star Tom Sachs: "'But think of the opportunity! I'll teach you how to weld! [I already knew how, but whatever] Plus you get free room and board. And a fifty-dollar-a-week stipend!'

'What for?' I spat at him, taking a swig of rum from a bottle that had miraculously appeared at my feet. 'Spermicidal foam?'"
Amy Sohn and Charles Miller [NYT]
If all the girls at Bennington were laid end to end [#1 Hit Song]