Tina Brown: Debuts Washington Post column, overshares her life on Trio.

Maer Roshan: Radar editor has lunch with Tina Brown. Next stop: editor of New York mag in January 2004. (After American Media's David Pecker buys the mag.)

Barry Diller: Did he clone himself? Are there four of him?

Stefano Tonchi: His stylish new job at the Times begins in a few weeks, and he's ready to rumble.

Candace Bushnell: Holds on to 16 as long as she can with new birth control spokesmodel gig.

Quentin Tarantino: Kill Bill neither hurts nor improves his reputation.

Jason Binn: Gotham publisher and perpetual groom-to-be overexposes his own wedding.

Britney Spears: Ready for her album to tank; hasn't made out with a woman in at least a week.

Gregg Easterbrook: Got fired from ESPN.com for talking shit about the Jews running Hollywood, on his way out of the limelight for now. He'll be back like Stephen Glass in 2004.