Gawker Stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send yours here.

In this issue: Andrew W.K., John Slattery, at the World Series: Bruce Willis, SJP and The Broderick, and Ari Fleischer and Chuck Schumer, Michael Douglas and Cameron at the Simply Red show (!?), Meredith Viera, Justin Theroux, Giovanni Ribisi, Nicole Kidman, Michael Musto, Chloe Sevigny, Meg Ryan at 7A (!!!), Jordanna Brewster, Drea De Matteo, Horatio Sanz, Monica Lewinsky x2, The Greek bodybuilder from Queer Eye, Russell Simmons, one of the Olsen Twins, and rats.

· Andrew W.K., seen briefly Monday night at Lit with entourage. Came and went. You'll be hearing that one in conjunction with his name sometime very soon.

· This is admittedly kind of a C-list sighting, but on Saturday night I saw John Slattery —dirty birdie politico on Sex and the City and dirty birdie lobbyist on K Street —outside Tartine at W. 11th and W. 4th. He's slightly diminutive and his outfit was immemorable, but he's handsome in that characteristically understated way. Unlike his alter HBO-Sunday-night ego, he neither solicited sex nor a golden shower. [Ed. I'm clearly going to have to write a guide to the C-list. Mr. Slattery graduated from the C-list this past April.]
· i saw chelsea clinton dining at Grey Dog on Carmine with a female friend on sunday afternoon around 4:30. she was very low key, hair back, no makeup and it didn't seem like anyone was trying to talk to her though there were many NYU types craning their necks to catch a glimpse of her.
· sitting in and around Field Box 5 (behind home plate) at Game One of the World Series: Bruce Willis with a younger female companion. (he looked younger than he has. seemed unfazed by the occasional drunken "hey Bruce, Ashton's banging your wife" heckle). in slightly better seats, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick who was sporting some heavily frosted hair. fingers crossed it's for a part. maybe a Garnier endorsement. former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer and Charles Schumer were also there in the front row behind home plate. Schumer also seemed unfazed by the occasional "Bloomberg, your no smoking law sucks" shout. (do they even look alike??)
· I went to the Simply Red concert at the Beacon last Thursday- (surprisingly good) and just before the lights went down, in walked Michael Douglas and son Cameron- they had seats about three rows behind me. Michael was wearing ski sunglasses and a leather jacket, he took off both when the concert started. Sadly, Catherine was nowhere in sight.
· Saturday, stopped in to Stew Leonards (like Fairway but with a petting zoo) and Meredith Viera from the View apologized to me for cutting my cart off with hers, she was on her way out, her cart laden with groceries and she was eating an ice cream cone.
· I'm in line at the Apple store on Prince St. on Sunday to pick up some blank DVDs and wonder why the line is moving so slow. The reason? Justin Theroux, of Mulholland Drive and one of those Charlies Angels movies, and Mary-Louise Parker, are being fawned over by the counter staff. She's got no make up on - wouldn't have recognized her - and was buying a computer with her Amex goldcard. He's sporting really thick black specs, to match his black trench coat and black everything else.
· Giovanni Ribisi looking super cutie in muted tones, head totally shaved except for one little warlock horn in the front, on west 17th and 9th, taking pictures with an old camera, didn't look like a leica, but something similar, on saturday am. he looked a little cranky and appeared to be taking a picture of a garbage truck but i'm sure he was making great art. [Ed. Warlock horn? Hmm. We used to called those "bitch handles."]
· Saw Nicole Kidman looking pretty in pink Saturday night in the lobby of the Mercer. She was with a largely female table of about six but was busy gabbing on the phone and ignoring her companions. No Lenny in sight.
· Friday night Michael Musto sighting: ordering heaps of greasy indian food near 28th and lex. Seemed extremely irritated and was unpleasant to the nice counter man. Boo. Rode away on a bike (?) like the wicked witch of the west with funny glasses on.
· Saturday Chloe Sevigny sighting at 14th and 3rd. She is very petite and prettier in person than in pictures - she had on a pair of high waisted jeans that, on their own, would have been awful awful awful but on her actually looked cute. Got caught (and called out for) checking her out by a nearby doorman. Considered telling him to see "Brown Bunny" but held back.
· After sitting through two hours of Sylvia, our hunger for oven-fresh vittles took us to 7A, where Meg Ryan and her son were having dinner. She looked great and seemed very engaged with her son. A Richard Belzer lookalike bodyguard was stationed at the bar the entire time (although I thought he was a wino until he whipped out a walky-talky thing as Meg was exiting). On her way out the entire restaurant fell silent and stared, after holding back their inner star-fuckers for the last hour. Both hopped into obligatory SUV and sped off.
· friday afternoon - a very petite jordanna brewster shopping at barneys with her mom. the originator of the "bangs across the forehead" was even more beautiful in person. also spotted roberto cavalli having lunch at nello on saturday afternoon.
· Drea De Matteo spotted last nite on 2nd Ave leaving her apartment to walk one gigantic Bloodhound and another tiny dog. Shorter in person.
· Saw Horatio Sanz having lunch at Pastis with a friend. Then who walks in with a BIG hello to H.S. but Monica Lewinsky. She was wearing a green top (eek) and horse-y bangs (ugh) and looked, well....BIG. She then dined with an unknown preppy guy.
· not 1 hour after sitting on my friends couch, discussing the car wreck that she has become, i see monica lewinsky standing on the corner of bleeker and seventh looking confused and sloppy in black shiny track pants (hello, not attractive on anyone, let alone someone who could stand to lose a few), a too small tank top and some horrid crocheted thing. her hair was a mess, her face round, puffy and in desperate need of bronzer. poor girl, guess the mr.personality gig did parlay into anything better...
· Entering Union Square subway Thursday night around 6:
The Queer-Eyed Greek bodybuilder. Hair still nicely "joojed." Wearing wraparound Oakley-style sunglasses (I don't think the Guys would have approved) and white pants—perhaps the ones he wore on the show. Set down his Kenneth Cole shopping bag before swiping his MetroCard. Shorter than you'd think, but aren't they all. O Greek bodybuilder, were you taking the yellow line back to Astoria, and could I have tagged along if only I'd asked? [Ed. Save it for Craigslist, ya big 'mo.]
· Overheard more than seen getting takeout at Angelica's Natural foods restaurant in the east village was russell simmons, talking LOUDLY on his customized phat farm/motorola cellphone. saying things like, "i don't give a fuck! i'm getting 10%. yeah, fuck him, i'm doing the contract right now — $2 million. i don't care what he says." what a typical nyc sheister. he looked good — healthy living has paid off well. guess you gotta eat and live right to block out all that negative energy he creates screwing people over. Me, I'm just waiting for him to run for political office. mayor simmons has a ring to it — i can just imagine his campaign now...
· On Columbus Day, around 3pm at the Scoop Mens store on the UES, I spotted one of the Olsen twinssmooching some guy near a rack of overpriced denim. She was wearing jeans, a tweed hat and absolutely no make-up. She was very short, extremely pale, but pretty. I couldn't tell if it was Mary Kate or Ashley. Assuming they weren't allowed to out of the house alone, I scanned the store for the other Olsen, but she was nowhere to be found.
· Rats. Big ones. On the Soho Grand property in a little section of open land out back on Thompson St. by the service entrance. They seem to come out more at night, running on the sidewalk at times, and then heading back into some big hole by constuction-looking supplies.