· Now that Meg Ryan's gotten divorced and become a ho, Courtney Love is obviously America's sweetheart of choice. The little blonde cutie has some choice words about her recent experience with forced psychiatric observation. According to the Daily News, she says, "I got jackbooted. My mouth was taped shut. They put a Ping-Pong ball in my mouth. And, honey, you don't get to say you're sorry for that, because it wasn't in bed." Ah, words to live by. Ms. Love then escaped from the nut hut, broke into a house of teenagers, and got a ride home from some guy she met in a guitar store. Makes you yearn for good old-fashioned clean celebrities like Margot Kidder and Ann Heche, don't it? [NY Daily News]
· The Post has some story about some rich kid whose Dad is a governor or something. I wasn't paying attention, because I don't believe a word they write. Yesterday they said that Jann Wenner hosted a party for Men's Health, when actually it was for Men's Journal, and the day before that they put Ellen Levine at Ladies' Home Journal instead of Good Housekeeping. I am firing all of their copy editors.

Anyway. This kid says about his Governor-dad: "He was just being a [bleep]ing [bleep] to me. He [bleep]ing pushed me over the edge." I'm obsessed with this! I've been thinking about those strange missing words all morning. Hmm. Fuck if I know. [NY Post]