Gawker Stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send yours here.

In this rambunctious issue: Drew Barrymore reinstated to Gawker Stalker, Kate Hudson x2 (my theory: the more pregnant a celebrity becomes, the more recognized she is), Fred Schneider, Proenza Shouler cuties, Sarah Jessica et al, Carmen Electra, John Bartlett, Donald Sutherland, Heather Graham, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Kristin Davis and Richard Botto, Peter Bogdanovich, Nicole Kidman, Moby, Elijah Wood, Cindy Crawford x2, Dana Giacchetto, Jayson Blair, Dylan Walsh, Scott Foley x2 (looking hot and not), Robert Sean Leonard, Scott Foley, Jerry Seinfeld, a Chris Rock/Lenny Kravitz sandwich, Boy George, Paul Rudd at a Jersey rest stop, Kate Hudson AGAIN, Carson Daly, Matthew Broderick, and highlights of "The Singing Detective" premiere.

· Is Drew Barrymore still fired? If not, she should be. Her posse passed us at a very crowded corner — Ninth and 50th — on Saturday night about 11:30, and Drew's Homey Number One was too cool to negotiate the people traffic — he was swinging his shoulders like a robust drag queen and about knocked me flat on my ass. Hey Drew — it's not like you're royalty or anything — tell the boys to CHILL.

· Last Friday, Kate Hudson (hugely pregnant), hubby, and some guy walking east on St. Marks eating ice cream and looking very hippish.
· Saw Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson on Columbus Day, walking down Bleeker Street between Charles and Perry. She looked incredibly pregnant and sweet in a white embroidered top, jeans, and flip flops. He wore a red flannel and jeans and is much more attractive in person . They were holding hands and walking a little dog of some kind. Seemed to be enjoying each other and the sunshine.
· Tuesday, October 15. Saw Fred Schneider from the B-52s walking at the corner of 5th Ave. and 23rd across from the Flatiron. He was wearing a baseball hat, a black leather jacket, and tight, pinstriped pants. He looked confused, but friendly. [Ed. He was confused because he hasn't been that far uptown in years.]
· On American Airline Flight 45 from Paris to New York on Monday, the two Parsons grad cuties who design Proenza Shouler sitting in the third to last row of coach, sans entourage, reading National Geographic and Vogue, eating mentos and sleeping, after presumably a long week of fashion happenings. I must have been the only one who recognized them, since they're not quite the fashion icons like Ralph or Calvin...yet.
· thought you would like to know that sarah jessica and her gal pal posse were filming in soho the other day. first, i spotted sj coming towards me, looking pint-sized and fresh-faced in her gray sweats (i said "faced"), turquoise tank and uggs. trying not to stalk, i circled on foot a few times and soon came upon sarah, kim cattrall and kristin davis entering the armani store. AND, i spied carmen electra looking not-so-fresh-faced (too much makeup - her foundation matched her brassy and tawny-looking locks) as she did some on-camera work. something about "the fashions you'll find in soho" and blahdebah.
· Monday afternoon, 10th Ave & 23rd St: Fashion Designer John Bartlett walking his 3-legged dog, dressed in Chelseaboy casual uniform of t-shirt and cargo pants. Offending item: an Orange Flourescent Trucker-style Cap, probably a Hunter Cap. Perhaps a new variation on an outdated style?
· This is totally C list but I saw John Wals of America's Most Wanted and the eponymous John Walsh Show (which is suprisingly still on) at Mexx the new European store on 5th Avenue. It was Friday afternoon
and he looks like he has had a little nip and tuck on the face. The only reason I recognized him was because that he was trying on clothes outside the dressing
· Saturday at the El Greco exhibition at the Met: Donald Sutherland, looking like a rumpled Flan Kittridge in full beard and a blue corderoy suit. Afterwards, he looked at a Veronese.
· nobu on tuesday night... heather graham, looking very pale and wearing jeans, a red shirt and a dreadful long scarf (inside! why? its not an accessory). a few tables away, PHARREL.... he's got such a small little
· Jamie-Lynn Sigler at Broadway and 22nd this morning, walking downtown on a cell phone, wearing a gray and maroon velour sweats combo.
· Friday 11:30PM Kristin Davis sharing a drink and conversation with Razor Magazine Publisher Richard Botto at Pangea. She: adorable and classic in a black ensemble. Her big eyes and flawless skin give her an old time movie star look. He: dressed city chic, but fashionable (read: mostly black). Lean and very good looking in person. They were laughing like old friends.
· Was with my mother on Friday and ran (she literally) into Peter Bogdanovich on 57th and 6th. He was just coming out of a "health food" diner and picking his teeth like a mad man. He is a very dapper dresser, but apparently not so keen on the personal hygiene in public. What's up with that doc?
· i think i saw nicole kidman jogging around the resevoir in central park on monday morning. she was wearing a yankees baseball cap but it was sort of sitting atop her hair—more tiara than hat. i was wondering why she jogs uptown if she's living downtown with lenny kravitz. then it dawned upon me that perhaps she's staying with lenny's mom, helen willis—wife of honkey tom willis—in the UES highrise that the jeffersons moved on up into. [Ed. Oh, no you didn't.]
· At the Michel Gondry retrospective I saw Moby nonchalantly extricating a booger from his nose and then try to oh so discreetly hide it underneath his chair as the lights went down. If he acts that way in public, I'd hate to see his bedroom manners.
· Well, I am one confused stalker as I just saw Elijah Wood (hobbit-boy) coming out of the Sony Theatre on B way and 68th and he seems to be chanelling Robert De Niro in his Taxi Driver days cause he had a Mohawk. Just as I was doubting my eyes I walked up and turned left ontoWest 70th Streetand spotted the unbelievably beautiful, willowy and unexpectedly delicate Cindy Crawford walking east while talking on her cell phone; she was wearing sunglasses and completely ignored everyone turning to look at her and ask Is that Cindy Crawford? Anyway, she looked fabulous and I hate her. Going indoors now cause that is altogether too much celebrity spotting for a Saturday afternoon.
· Today I saw that huckster who stole all the money from celebrities. Dana Giacchetto? He was walking down Spring toward Mulberry with a be-mulletted hipster girl. She had kneesocks on, I think, but it was early and that might be wishful thinking. Anyway, I was completely horrified that I recognized him and worse, aug, I knew who he was. It was particularly bad because I was in a taxi zipping up Lafayette. I can identify Dana Giacchetto at fifty paces! Later in the day, I saw Cindy Crawford walking up University. She's totally 90s. That's really all I can say.
· OK, so he's passe, and this sighting is old (Wednesday afternoon), but I saw Jayson Blair at a deli on Madison at 28th St., yakking into a cell phone (saying mostly "Cool, cool, cool") while buying bottled water. Carrying a shoulder bag, as though he is employed (ha!). Made eye contact. He seemed to be waiting to be told he'd been recognized. I didn't give him the satisfaction.
· Saw Dylan Walsh coming out of Planet Hollywood in Times Square. He is a cutie. Would have thrown him down and ripped his clothes off but I was late for a meeting. Later that afternoon I was walking to Hell's Kitchen and saw Scott Foley on the corner of 47th and 8th. He is taller than I would have imagined and not as cute as he is on tv. Must be the stress of his divorce.
· Spotted Scott Foley at the corner of 7th and 57th heading down town. He's even better looking in person! Looking sporty in sneaker, pants and a nicely fitted t - he's got fantastic arms and a killer smile.
· Robert Sean Leonard is all over Hell's Kitchen. I know he's in a play in midtown, but he obviously is afraid to leave the neighborhood once the curtain goes down. My roommate spotted him twice in a week dining at 44 & X . The first time with fellow Violet Hour cast member Scott Foley and the second time with fellow cast member Mario Cantone. Prior to that, I saw him walking down 8th avenue between 49th and 48th streets at lunch time last week. Too bad Ethan Hawke wasn't with him.
· Jerry Seinfeld walking to the end of the subway platform at the B/C subway stop at 81st and Central Park West (which runs under his building, The Beresford). He was wearing sunglasses, a Yankees hat, white t-shirt, black leather jacket, jeans (no surprise there), white sneakers, a small patagonia backpack on his back and was carrying a small (looked like a kid's size, but i'm not sure) bike helmet.
· At the Gina Gershon show at Joe's Pub (her band's cheekily called "Vanity Project") I was next to Chris Rock and Lenny Kravitz whilst in the little boy's room. I must say I now have a solid understanding of the meaning of "belittled". [Ed. Also? No you did not say that.]
· Friday 10/10 night, @ Starfoods - Boy George +2 - enjoying a few drinks and looking and being decidedly low-key, although the well-pencilled eyebrows and plumpness (if continued) are eventually going to cause me to mistake him for a resurrected Divine.
· dunno if this counts - on our way down to atlantic city on saturday saw paul rudd looking "31 flavors of hell" at a rest stop on the garden state parkway. his female companion looked pretty unhappy, but jersey can do that to people.
· 10/14, about 11:30, on the corner of Jane and Hudson, a surprisingly very handsome in person Chris Robinson (when did he get so hot?) in blue jeans and a jean jacket and sunglasses, carry bags, walking with an enormously pregnant Kate Hudson in...gosh, I'm not sure what she was wearing, I was too busy looking at her belly. (Literally: "That woman could be Kate Hudson if she wasn't so damn pregnant. Oh wait...). And she was walking with a tiny tiny little pomeranian kind of dog.
· I encountered Carson Daly last night at Schiller's. He was eating a late (midnight-ish) dinner with a posse of eight lesser deities. They were crammed into a less-than-desirable booth because my own posse had snagged the one in the corner - ha! Carson was doing the "I'm trying very hard to look heterosexual" thing with a Univ. of Kentucky cap and a hot brunette babe on each arm, which only convinced me more that he takes it up the ass like a champ.
· Matthew Broderick: Farris spent his day off (10/14/03) shopping onPrince streetinSOHO,a far cry from steeling a car and singing in a float parade.
· At last night s The Singing Detective_premiere: An amazonian Katie Holmes, cute as a button (but with a weird bouffant hairdo); boyfriend Chris Klein in tow natty blazer, impossibly clear skin. Both seemed nice. Robert Downey Jr., looking fantastic, wryly self-deprecating, sharing a gigantic bucket of popcorn with a surprisingly homely girlfriend. Peter Bogdanovich, pimped out per usual with his silk cravat and very young girl, repeatedly givingDowneythat you my dog head-bob which, coming from him, was hilarious. Woody Harrelson made an appearance, flexing a pair of so-Woody-you-can t-believe-he s-actually-wearing-them ultra-baggy mauve hemp pants. And a silly little stoner hat. Priceless. At the afterparty, director Keith Gordon held court in Captiale s lofty VIP room, and by held court I mean sat around pounding drinks with a gaggle of eight or nine would-be starlets. Enjoy it while it lasts, Keith.