Another on-the-town Elizabeth Spiers sighting. If grammar is to be believed, this one also from a drunken observer. Question: do only the drunk see this Elizabeth Spiers? CC says: "On Saturday night, in a tiny club in Williamsburg, CC looked over and saw the dimunative Elizabeth Spiers standing there in the crowd. The former editor of Gawker is now writing a blog for New York magazine, the Kicker which we've been enjoying. A very nice woman sporting a pixie haircut and knee high boots, CC enjoyed chatted with her for a few minutes about how she needs to keep needling the media establishment even though now she's technically a part of it. She also introduced CC to Neal Pollack, the Austin-based writer who was in town promoting his new book and who we'd just been watching perform at Luxx. [More on our impressions of Pollack later this week.] We think he was drunk. A good night all in all in the capital of all things hip in America."

That last sentence is going to need an emergency irony check on aisle 9.

Negotiating the Blogosphere [CineCultist]