We're getting through new Daily News gossip-guy Lloyd Grove's second week. Let's peek under his hood!

Item One: An auction of Hitler's paintings. A not terribly pricey auction, I might add. There is an obligatory Nazi/Schwarzenegger reference to counteract a saccharine Maria Shriver item that appears later in the column. The Daily News print version, by the way, contains the most bizarrely large photograph of the Fuhrer since Springtime for Hitler.

Item Two: Joanne Woodward hates making movies; she plugs her Greenwich theatre company benefit. Some movie actors — who probably don't hate making movies — will be helping raise money. For theatre. Mmm, backscratchy.

Item Three: Lloyd calls Maria Shriver in California on Election Day. Maria is "eating lunch." Things are "back to normal." She is "carpooling." She feels "blessed." What, did he accidentally call Katie fucking Couric?

Item Four: Liam Neeson has never heard of the bar at which Mr. Grove's sources placed him last weekend. According to the bar owners, someone is actually impersonating Liam Neeson. How sad life can be.

This makes me yearn for the more substantial beef of yesterday's column. I would have been kinder yesterday if I'd know today was going to leave me so hungry. I must put my foot down. No! Bad Lloyd. Bad!
Lloyd Grove's Lowdown [Daily News]