As the polls of schadenfreude open this morning, comedian Margaret Cho has some kind words on her blog regarding the California election:

"Yo Terminator! You need to stop goosestepping up to the gubernatorial race because you have to terminate your campaign. What the fuck is wrong with you?... If there is one person you cannot give a shout out to, it is Hitler. Nobody wants to hear about that. I understand that your father was a Nazi, and I don't blame you for that, because you didn't choose the family you were born into, unless you did it on purpose because you are from the future... I don't give a shit about the OUI magazine stuff. Orgies to me do not reflect on the moral fiber of a human being. Plus OUI was a mad 70s publication anyway. It seems like a cross between LIFE and Hustler. I know you are thinking 'Arbeit macht governor,' but it ain't gonna work fool."
Yo Arnold! [Margaret Cho]