· Vogue's Anna Wintour and Harper's Bazaar's Glenda Bailey were spotted canoodling at Da Silvano, which for those of you who live in the real world is the cultural equivalent of, hmm, the Hamburgler and Dave from Wendy's having a chalupa at Taco Bell. Sort of. Fortunately, the two women were... men. Hilarity ensued. [Intelligencer]
· The Post's Cindy Adams' big story today is an extended remix of last Wednesday's Lloyd Grove item in the Daily News: the upcoming marriage of Damian Loeb. I know, once again you're all thinking, who? Also known as Moby's best friend, prettyboy painter Damian sells his work at Mary Boone for half a mil, say Ms. Adams. Odd, in April, 2001 — before New York's recession — they were selling for $55,000. [Cindy Adams]