Gawker Stalker sightings are sent in by readers. Send yours here.

I am saddened to report that Drew Barrymore and all members of the Strokes are re-banned from Gawker Stalker due to intense over-exposure. Likewise Parker Posey and Ryan Adams. Ethan Hawke sightings are now again permitted in on a trial basis. Do not abuse the Ethan.

In this terrifying and dizzying issue: John Lithgow, Sting, Melanie Griffith, Trudie Styler, John Stamos and Jenna Elfman at the theatre; Bjork, Howard Stern, Osama bin Laden, Ben Chaplin, Rufus Wainwright, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Mark Ruffalo, and Jane Campion, Tony Sirico, Jack Osborne, Nancy Sinatra, and Sting (again, sigh), Ann Margret, Dave from Paradise Hotel, Eric Nies from MTV Real World, Lizzie Grubman and Lizzie Grubman, Orlando Bloom, Graydon Carter and a shitload of Canadians at the Walrus Magazine launch, James Gandolfini, Patrick Stewart, Marcia Gay Harden, Robin Williams, Hugh Jackman, Vincent D'Onofrio, Natalie Portman, Patricia Heaton, and Mr. Mark Consuelos.

· I was at the 2pm showing of Nine Sunday October 5th. It was Antonio Banderas's last performance. Sitting directly in front of me in the audience was John Lithgow. He slipped in right before the show started. He is tall and came alone. He was very congenial to the many fans who came up to him and asked for his autograph. Five rows in front of us, were Sting, Melanie "too much plastic surgery" Griffith and Trudie Styler, all there to cheer on Antonio. During the intermission, two short security guards came to whisk Sting and his ladies away from the masses. Difficult to do given the proximity of other theatergoers. Nonetheless, I got a real good look at the three of them. All fake blondes and all quite short but Sting is still very sexy for an old man of 50 something. Snuck into the Time Hotel to use the loo during intermission and who did we run into but none other than John Stamos and Dharma, Jenna Elfman; they will be replacing Antonio Banderas and Jane Krakowski, respectively. They were sitting at the bar drinking with the usual number of Hollywood sycophants. It was a star-studded Sunday. Indeed.
· Saturday night, I saw Bjork at BAM. She was a few people behind me in the line at the concession stand and was wearing a billowy, white knit number. My sister saw Bjork pick her nose. Her own nose, not my sister s.
· I was having a very nice drawn out dinner, drawn out due to the snail's pace service not the conversation, at Soho House. And on my way back from the loo who should I see, but none other than the everyman's man, Howard Stern, accompanied by his leggy concubine Beth. Later in the evening as I was showing my incredibly good looking date the roof top pool, did I once again almost trip up Howard, he is quite tall, and his concubine. As he walked over me I heard him comment as to how great the pool is. I wonder if he was standing in the pool if the water would reach his waist or knees?
· Saw Osama bin Laden at the Met's El Greco exhibition. Actually, it was a portrait of Jesus Jesus the artist did in the late 1500s. But the resemblance — bushy beard, soulful almond-shaped eyes, weird hand gesture — is truly remarkable.
· Saw Ben Chaplin today running across 23rd at 6th right towards me...can we say scary?
· Saturday at noon, saw Rufus Wainwright meandering down 3rd avenue around 18th street by himself. Looked adorable, wearing designer jeans, his signature pout and strategically tousled hair. Finally he went into a sushi restaurant- I hope he ordered a lot because that boy is supermodel-skinny. [Ed. Hmm, which is it? Potbellied or emaciated, kids?]
· I had the pleasure of dining at Lupa, and after a while, we noticed the folks seated behind us... Jennifer Jason Leigh, Mark Ruffalo and Jane Campion and some guy all sitting together. Jane Campion's cell phone dropped onto the floor twice, which gave me the license to turn around and look at them. Jennifer is really a pretty gal and damn, Mark Ruffalo is HOT. I did some research and Jennifer and Mark are both in "In The Cut", which Jane Campion directs.
· I just saw Paulie Walnuts (Tony Sirico) from the Sopranos walking out of a diner on the corner of 4th Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue in Bay Ridge. A waiter called to him saying, "let me buy you a cup of coffee," and Paulie, wearing sweatpants, waves him off with the newspaper he had in hand. He says, forcefully, "no, I'm done," EXACTLY like on The Sopranos, before getting into a double parked purple Cadillac, starting up and accelerating hard so that a small plume of black smoke comes out of the tailpipe.
· Monday- at the bar at the Four Seasons Hotel, sitting a table with an unidentified brunette, Jack Osborne - he looked to be drinking Evian- it was hard to tell with all that hair.
Tuesday- Same place, Nancy Sinatra with entourage- she was wearing some sort of shearling vest and dark glasses. She's tiny.
Wednesday- At a preview of The Boy from Oz- a tan and stylishly dressed Sting in line for the bathroom at intermission and walking in to the Imperial Theatre, Ann Margret - she must be about 105, but looks great.
· tuesday night at around 9:45 i saw dave from paradise hotel (yes, i know this is c-list, but i swear ph was the best reality show ever) walking down 6th avenue between 10th and 11th streets. i wanted to stop him and talk about the show (the finale was the next day), but my boyfriend was already annoyed with i didn't dare. [Ed. Dump your boyfriend, stat.] also last night (thurs) saw eric nies from mtv real world and the grind fame walking down second avenue between 12th and 13th streets around 9pm. he looked...old.
· Saw Lizzie Grubman Monday on 5th Ave around 22nd. She looked confused. Her boyfriend looks like a real jackass. Not only was he wearing a backward visor, but it was also upside-down.
· I don't know if she counts anymore, but I was watching baseball last night at Brother Jimmy's on the Upper East Side when Lizzie Grubman strolled in with a few friends with similarly twitching nostrils. She spent most of the night making out with a big greasy-headed professional moron that she came with. When they weren't sucking face or Vodka, she went outside with a waifish friend to chain-smoke Marlboro lights and grind teeth.
· saw orlando bloom (he was with one of lord of the rings guys) at eugenia kim on east 4th street. extremely handsome in person. and much taller than i would have imagined.
· Just thought Gawker devotees would want to hear about the literati/glitterati present at last night's Walrus Magazine launch party (Walrus is a new Canadian magazine which has been generating a lot of buzz - it's been unoficially billed as Canada's answer to Harper's). Backing this up was Harper's editor and Walrus contributor Lewis Lapham and other boldfaced media names - of course Graydon, putting in an early appearance (remember kids, he IS Canadian!); other transplanted Canucks included cartoonist Bruce McCall, "Tipping Point" author/New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell (with a most excellent head of hair), playwright-with-a-bullet Daniel Goldfarb, "Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor" author Rick Marin, TSN's "Cold Pizza" correspondent Thea Andrews and a bunch of other media types, all presided over by Pamela Wallin, New York's Canadian Consul General (and a very famous face North of the border). Yes, there were Americans present and here are a few: author Calvin Trillin, Slate 'Summary Judgment' columnist Emily Nussbaum (there with Cdn. tech writer Clive Thompson), New Yorker books maven Leo Carey and some New York Times editor named Bruce. There were many more I'm sure but the Iceberg Vodka-sponsored drinks were incredibly strong, and the appetizers were plentiful. Hey, a freelancer's gotta eat. Pretty fun event - it was supposed to end at 8:30 and stragglers weren't out the door till after 11. Who says Canadians don't know how to party! [Ed. Hey, what about the literati/glitterati sightings you promised?]
· just saw james gandolfini getting out of a giant black escalade (with jersey plates no less) on spring street. he jumped out of the passenger seat and went into a store called evolution. (i looked around for the HBO cameras but there weren't any. i guess he rolls like that in real life. go figure).
· Last night at Cafe Luxembourg on the Upper West Side Patrick Stewart having dinner with a younger dark haired man . A few night before Robert Altman was there having dinner as well .
· Sighting: Marcia Gay Harden on Avenue A, in weird high waisted jeans with a brown belt. Every time I see her in the 'hood (not too long ago she was wearing a heinous purple sweater, while pushing a child in a stroller - again, on Avenue A), she looks really, really intense, almost angry. She's smaller in person and seemed to be furrowing and arching her eyebrows at the same time. I got out of her way!
· I was at Forbidden Planet, the comic shop on Broadway and 13th, around 1:30 today purchasing some of the new sequential art pamphlets, as is my wont, when the girl ringing me up said, "Oh my gosh, all of my favorite celebrities have been here lately. That was Robin Williams." At first I thought she was referring to the hirsute, owlish, stocky fellow who was standing in front of me in line who had just purchased the new SANDMAN book. I thought, "Robin Williams has really let himself go." Then I looked around to the other register and saw Robin Williams purchasing a resin model and discussing funny books with the manager. I have to say, Robin Williams looks pretty buff.
· Hugh Jackman, yes the wolverine himself on 14th street at 9th avenue - hangin a larry making his way south in sexy puma sweatshirt and surgeons scrubs and of course basball hat and sunglasses. i recognized his mouth.
· Sunday night, Ave A and 9th St at a little deli Vincent D Onofrio and what appeared to be his (ridiculously cute) toddler. Very salt-and-peppery hair, dressed in a J. Crew-esque barn-jacket type thing, all earth tones. The toddler was eating a huge ice cream cone and dawdling slowly in the deli doorway. Someone was trying to get out behind them, so Vincent pulled the kid by the top of his sweatshirt out of harm s way, in an endearing, tired-dad manner. Vincent is a handsome man.
· The other day (9/30) Natalie Portman sat three rows behind me at a performance of Omnium Gatherum (bad play). She sat in the last row of people in the balcony with her cute hipsterish boyfriend. She wasn't wearing any makeup and the two of them were very touchy.
· Saw Patricia Heaton crossing Broadway at Prince yesterday at aprox 6:00 PM, dressed in a chic black skirt and bright pink suit jacket, with amazing black stilletto-heeled knee-high boots (I noticed the boots before I noticed her). Her hair was in a stylized ponytail, and she was wearing dark-framed glasses. She had that "I'm a celebrity" glow, and looked nothing like her frumpy TV character. She was with a sandy-haired man who looked husbandly.
· Monday morning I sat across from Mark Consuelos (Matteo from All My Children) and his adorable son on the subway. No Kelly Ripa in sight. He seemed like he had no idea where he was going - got up to check the map, and then ran off at 42nd right before the doors closed. He is even better looking in person - if he and Kelly break up, he can definitely have all my children.