Today the Philadelphia Inquirer made a very funny gossip item out of our gossip item about Lloyd Grove's gossip items. (Got it?) But just a few corrections for the Inquirer: Elizabeth Spiers fled this internet lemonade stand for the glamorous — if soon to be relocated — offices of New York mag a while ago.

We don't want Lloyd Grove's goons beating up the kindly Elizabeth Spiers; he is however completely welcome to molest me in a darkened alley. For future items on Gawker, the editor's official bio:

As a baby, "29-year-old" Choire Sicha was found under a rotting saguaro in the Mojave desert, wrapped in a copy of the National Enquirer. He is convinced he is the lovechild of Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman. Now he stalks celebrities and pawns gossip because he clearly understands that celebrity culture is the lifeblood on which we vampirically feed in these last days of American society before the Second Coming.
Gossip Wars (Second item) [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Elizabeth Spiers Sells Out
Today's GroveWatch® (Rating: B+)
Yesterday's GroveWatch® (Rating: C-)