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A note: Ethan Hawke has been fired. I have five Ethan Hawke sightings, all on 23rd Street between 7th and 8th Avenue. If you walk by the Chelsea Hotel, chances are you will see the grieving Mr. Hawke as well. Ethan Hawke is permanently positively punished and banned from Gawker Stalker for reasons of advanced over-exposure.

In this humongous Hawke-free issue: Bjork, Ann Richards, Frenchie Davis, Pink, Molly Shannon, Jimmy Fallon, Willie Garson x2, Kelsey Grammer, The Hot Guy from Queer Eye, Drew Barrymore, Morgan Fairchild, Jon Turturro, Jon Spencer and Cristina Martinez, Conan O'Brien, The Clooney, Beyonce 'n' Jay-Z, David Duchovny, Gretchen Moll, Madonna's Baby Daddy #1, Eric Bogosian, Jennifer Esposito, Laurie Anderson 'n' Lou Reed, Rocco, crazy waitress from "The Restaurant," Julian Schnabel, and, last but certainly not least: Chris Burke.

· Sat. 27th, Bjork along with many, many other icelandic, uhh, people for the website launch party of (an icelandic-music-only itunes-like store). the foreign minister of iceland was also there, but one can only speculate who can be considered to be the most important of the two. she showed up 5 hours early and was milling around in the sound booth, chit-chatting with the regular people. then she went away, and showed up later for the party looking like an uber-hipster in mostly black. stood around outside after the show for quite a while before a pal hailed a cab and then she dove into it (literally), seemingly for no reason.
· I just saw former governer of Texas, Ann Richards, walking alone and looking all business in a grey tailored suit, large blue sunglasses and that trademark, white, popcorn hair. She was on 55th street between 6th and 7th avenues. She headed into a restaurant called Estiatorio Milos, for a power lunch, presumably. I've never heard of Estiatorio Milos, but it looked pretty swanky. The sort of place where the working man is bought and sold, if you know what I mean.
· Okay, so it's more like a C-list sighting, but Frenchie Davis, ex-American idoler and current star of Rent sat right in front of me and my boyfriend at the 9/27 11.20pm screening of Lost in Translation at AMC 25. During the part before the movie when they have the "Please don't add your own soundtrack" ad spiel (cell phones, babies crying) Frenchie turns around and exclaims to the whole audience, "Damn! I thought someone really brought a baby!" Also remember the scene when Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson meet at that strip bar in Tokyo? Does anyone remember the lyrics to the song that was playing as dancers gyrated on tables? "Sucking on my titties?" or so it goes? Well I guess our ex porn-star really liked that song and started singing it to herself and to three friends long after the scene was over....
· Saw Pink with a dykey gal pal shopping in SoHo and sitting together during the movie "Party Monster" Saturday Night. What's new...Come out already, Pink! All of us downtown girls are anxiously waiting to take you under our wings...or better yet under our sheets. That X-games boyfriend is such a lame cover up.
· Saturday, noon. Standing in front of Dick's Bar on Second Avenue at 12th Street is a pregnant woman with a major belly not quite covered by a tight T-shirt. It's Molly Shannon, talking with a friend and wearing a skirt and some cute Pony sneakers.
· On Sunday, I passed Jimmy Fallon as I turned from Gramercy Park onto Irving. He was walking in the rain, sans umbrella, and talking on his cell phone. He was wearing a red T-shirt and jeans, and was skinnier than I expected. Oh, and he seems to be just as hyper as he appears on TV.
· Saw Willie Garson, aka "Stanford" from Sex and the City on Gramercy Park East Sunday morning at about 11:30am. Apparently, playing Stanford is no stretch because he was wearing a bright-green gawdy-patterned shirt and yellow tinted sunglasses. He was with a thirty-ish blond woman and they were giggling like 12-year old girls over something.
· Spotted at Elvis Costello's show at Town Hall - Willie Garson (Sex and the City's Stanford Blatch) impatiently waiting for his friends at the curb while patiently saying "yes, I'm on Sex and the City" about a billion times. Also spotted him at Elvis' Central Park show last month which must make him a major fan and make me a total geek.
· Yesterday, outside of my office building on 51 btwn b'way and 7th. Kelsey Grammer. Walked out of my building with a group of underlings. He is very tall, and seemed like a nice guy in terms of his demeanor. Wearing a lot of brown. Brown sport jacket, brown pants, brown shoes. He looked like a leaf. Said his good bye's and was scurried in to a waiting stretch town car.
· last night, 9/25/03, I saw the hot guy (the grooming guy?) from Queer Eye at a One World Magazine party (Russell Simmon's magazine). He was with a male model the whole night and was one of the only white people there.
· today, I saw Drew Barrymore sitting on a stop on 7th between 1st and avenue A. She looked cute, with some boy who could have been in the Strokes. but, in the east village, everyone looks like they could be in the...whatever.
· saw morgan fairchild entering the new westin hotel on 8th ave. and 43rd street. she's very tiny and doesn't look as plastic in person as she does on screen.
· Last night, John Turturro was at the American Film Institute's screening of "Miracle in Milan" sponsored by A GOOD MAGAZINE at AN UN-NAMED PRIVATE CLUB.
· Jon Spencer and Cristina Martinez @ Starbucks 6th ave and 23rd 9:15 am. do they count? [Ed. Of course they count! Pussy Galore remains one of the most important bands in the world.]
· i saw conan o'brien, wife and golden retriever dog on w. 85th and west end ave. he is tall and looks fucking weird. i heard he uses prep h on his face.
· Last Thursday, I saw George Clooney exiting the Four Seasons on 58th bet. Madison & Park. He was dresed in dark khakis and an earth tone green looked kind of grey and was a lot shorter than expected. Certainly, wouldn't kick him out of bed though...especially, if he was wearing his Batman suit...or scrubs. He was with another man and they got into a Black Cadillac SUV— gangsta style. George sat in the front seat....maybe next he'll drive!
· Just saw Beyonce and Jay Z having lunch at Gigino in Battery Park City. gorgeous!
· They are filiming a movie called "The House of D" in the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn today near the park. I was jogging along DeKalb Ave. and crossed paths with David Duchovny twice. Both times he had that tortured artist thing going on... unable to bear the prison of his celebrity status. Supposedly Robin Williams is lurking around here too.
· Saw Gretchen Moll last night around 6:25 on Spring and Broadway. Never thought she was outstandingly pretty till seeing her...she's actually quite beautiful, tall and thin. Had on jeans and a black swetaer with a pinkish scarf around her neck. Kinda sorta flawless.
· ultra snacky carlos leon (he of oz, but more notably madonna's baby daddy) at the grungy atlas cafe late this morning. he was reading a tabloid and ignoring some tarted up hottie who was trying to act important by talking loudly on her cellie and conspicuously marking up some documents.
· the other night at veselka: eric bogosian. he was dining (ok, eating) with 3 other people. one of the women looked familiar but i could not figure out who she was.
· Was dining at Souen in Union Square last night when who should sit down next to us but Jennifer Esposito (dining alone). She is as beautiful in person as she is in pictures. She was curled up with a Bazaar magazine and her vegetarian maki doing the "don't look at me i'm famous" hunch. Later during dinner some androgenous woman entered and shouted, "Jen! How ARE you?" They proceeded to talk about some film festival and the andro woman said, "Call me and let's talk!" Jennifer seemed disinterested. Souen seems to be a good joint for spotting celebrities dining alone as I saw Betsey Johnson dining alone in the window seat a month ago.
· Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed eating breakfast outside Bus Stop Cafe on Hudson Street this morning. God, they are so cool.
· Saw Rocco Dispirito disembarking from his Vespa with his very attractive girlfriend Sunday afternoon at Watt and Spring. Judging by his ego, I thought he'd be much taller.
· I saw the crazy waitress Caroline from "The Restaurant" standing in the doorway of Suede on 23rd last night. She appeared to be a hostess or employee of some sort.
· I sat a few rows from Julian Schnabel at the Psychedelic Furs show last week. He's a gigantic man and the Psychedelic Furs were terrible.
· Boarded the M21 bus westbound on Tuesday September 22 and sitting in the front handicapped seat was only slightly handicapped Chris Burke, better known as Corky from ABC's late 80's early 90's family puke-fest "Life Goes On." Sounds mean but is worth noting that he talked to himself nonstop until getting off the bus on 6th Avenue - he may have been rehearsing lines or a speech - and he also gnawed rather aggressively on his left index finger.