In their story on Vice Magazine yesterday, the Times evidently mis-reported Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes' tattoo (we'll check the corrections column tomorrow) [Ed. Note: Evidently I should have put sarcasm tags around this statement. This was intended as an example of ludicrosity; of course the Times reporter did no such mis-reporting. Oy gevalt, people.] As Gavin today reported on another website: "The tattoo doesn't just say 'destruction' it says 'destruction creates.' That's written across a massive jellyfish that is holding two people in its tentacles: Chiang Kai Shek and Fidel Castro. Those were two immigrants that came into a country, wiped out the previous cultures and started new, prosperous ones. I also have a machine gun on my arm that says 'arm your desires' in Arabic. The days of the West are numbered and I will be the impetus that destroys it. I am turning America inside out from the outside in. Soon George Bush will be in the tentacles hands and a new creed will take over. DESTRUCTION CREATES!"

I'm sure a Freedom of Information Act request will turn up several pictures of the tattoo in Gavin's FBI file.
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