I wish we'd thought up Talk Like Bill O'Reilly Day. Blogger Atrios has been mimicking the conservative talk show host admirably all day:

Here at the Factor, we welcome all opinions, unless I find them un-American, in which case I'll shut off your microphone. A "Joe" from New York City sends us an email: "Hey, Bill, isn'it true that the poverty report shows that it's only the Midwest that has had an increase in poverty." Shut up Joe. Just shut your trap right now. This country is at war, and here you are trying to divide us into regions. The heartland of America is filled with good, hardworking white folks, much like my father the janitor back in Levittown. It's wrong to insult your fellow Americans with this divisive rhetoric. Just shut the hell up.

Get Back To Work You Lazy Bums [Atrios]