Sightings are provided by readers. Send yours to

In this issue: Chloe Sevigny, Ethan Hawke, Joan Rivers, Natalie Portman, Abe Vogoda, Ewan McGregor, Chelsea Clinton, Rufus Wainwright, Gretchen Moll, Norah Jones, Ashley Judd yelling at Jason Patric, Jason Binn, and "Arthur Hall."

· Yes, the very blond, and very lithe looking Chloe Sevigny was riding the M14 Bus today, Tuesday the 23rd across town. I entered the bus on 14th and 5th Ave, around 4:45pm, and watched as she brushed past me in a black and white polka dotted dress get up, with knee high leather boots. Her hair pulled back in a subtle bun. Chloe rode all the way to 11th Ave, where she departed.

Very shocked to see her taking the bus, that new Michael Allig move must really have tanked.

· Ethan Hawke: 23d Street Clearview Chelsea cinemas. On a Saturday night. At 7pm. ALONE. Was it to see "Mambo Italiano," the gay Big Fat Greek Wedding? Probably not. "Once Upon A Time in Mexico" showing at the same time. All I'll say is: ALONE? On a Saturday night? Or is 7pm mid-morning for him, now? He didn't smell. Reportedly, has bad BO, but didn't smell anything rancid.
· I saw Joan Rivers walking down Madison Avenue at 60th street today around 2pm. She looks like a little, newborn baby alien...with lots of makeup and expensive sunglasses. She was with a tall, blonde women and they were talking about apartments.
· Saw Natalie Portman today on W. Broadway in Soho, walking alone with obligatory shopping bag and cell phone in hand. My overall impression was that she's beautiful.
· Abe Vogoda, AKA "Fish" was going for a stroll down 3rd Avenue around 74th Street at 4pm. He has a lovely stoop and big, bold vein on his forehead. Grandfatherly slacks hitched up well above the hips. My faith in NY was momentarily buoyed.
· Ewan McGregor sighing: Tonight around 6pm, walking north on Broadway near Houston. Of course I nearly didn't recognize him with his trousers on. He was also wearing thick-rimmed, nerdy-chic glasses and a small pimple or two (meaning he needs a good shag
· This past Saturday I saw Chelsea Clinton and her beau, Ian Klaus, at 71 Irving, a coffee shop in the Gramercy Park/Union Square area. Previously when I've seen them there, they've ordered food to go. This last time, Chelsea waited at a table while her guy waited in line. Unfortunately, things moved too slowly for them and they left.
· This past Saturday, I saw singer Rufus Wainwright walking through the Union Square farmer's market with a male friend who looked to be around his age. Not sure if they were a couple or just pals, but they did seem pretty close. One thing that did stand out was that Rufus seemed to have a bit of a potbelly. I've seen him in the neighborhood several times over the past year and he was always frightfully thin. Maybe his metabolism has slowed down now that he's hit 30. [Ed. FYI.]
· In the line for the ladies room at Town Hall, prior to "An Evening with Elvis Costello," (9/22) former It-Girl Gretchen Moll. She's very pretty in person, but my friends and I couldn't remember why she was famous, excepting her almost "it" status and Vanity Fair cover a few years back. Costello's new stuff stinks. Diana Krall is the worst thing to happen to
him since Bacharch.
· On Sunday I saw Norah Jones walking down Washington Street, loaded down with plastic grocery bags. She was all decked out in LL Bean-esque attire...fleece jacket and khaki baseball cap. Eh. She was also very short and horizontal. Flashed a friendly smile though.
· Ashley Judd and Jason Patric on West 45th Street: at first I thought they where arguing. But as we got closer they where rehearshing lines, are they working together?
· A couple of weeks old, but saw jason binn exiting the building on the southwest corner of 5th ave and ninth, ninth street side, hailing a cab, and then waiting impatiently with a pissy look on his mug while the younger doorman, after getting admonished by the older doorman, belated raced curbside to open the door for him. little prick.
· Although a very rare sighting, Arthur Hal (a major commodities trader and personal collector of rare camals) was seen lunching at 55 Wall today. Looking rather tan, rumors are Mr. Hall has been trying to corner the market on the camel industry particularly in Iraq. True to his image, Arthur was holding his version of court with four striking ladies hanging on to his every word. One conversation overheard from our vantage point was his embellished version of his financial successes.....something about "records falling on some sort exchange in some foreign country". Anyway, not one for constant small talk, Mr. Hall no sooner finished eating was smoothly whisked out the door with his entourage and lady friends in tow. [Ed. Included because, well, hey, we all love the random.]