Attitude forecast: Irony and ironic detachment will have a 60% chance of being in fashion late tomorrow afternoon, with sarcasm and jadedness in full effect sometime around midnight Wednesday. For today, though, the kids at Black Table forecast sincerity and give irony a harsh grade of D-.

"PEOPLE BEING 'IRONIC': Sometimes I have only two dollars in my pocket and I want a beer but I don't want to open a tab, so I order a PBR. Sometimes I genuinely want to listen to Poison's "Talk Dirty to Me." Sometimes I haven't done laundry in a few days and all I have left to wear is an old ringer T-shirt that has the Superfriends on it. Is it so bad to want to do this without some Ashton-Kutcher-hat motherfucker standing next to me with a shit-eating grin, nodding like I'm part of his onanistic in-joke? Fuck that guy, man. Fuck that guy. D-"
The Black List: I Break for Irony [Black Table]