· 27 fans have lost consciousness or begun vomiting during readings of an as-yet unpublished Chuck Palahniuk story. Chuckles is now the literary equivalent of South Park's brown sound, that particular frequency that makes the world crap its pants. [NY Mag]
· Chloe Sevigny seems to think her buddy Vincent Gallo is in need of an intervention. Really? Because he wanders the globe purveying home movies of himself getting head, or because he stopped bathing and shaving sometime in the late 90s? [NY Post]
· "A celebrity feud is one of the most tasteless, trite, trivial things somebody in my position can engage in," says Quentin Tarantino in this item on his recent pot and ecstasy party-thon all over China. [NY Daily News]
· Shocking news: celebs earn big bucks for product placements. That must explain why John Ritter was buried with a Fresca in one hand and a Viagra in the other. (Let the hate mail begin anew!) [TV Guide]