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In this issue: Ethan Hawke, Leona Helmsley, Jacques Chirac, Richard Gere and Carey Lowell, Drew Barrymore and her Stroke, Alec Baldwin, George Clooney, Jimmy Fallon, Katie Couric, Billy Joel and Alexa Ray, Julia Stiles, Jason Dill, Chloe Sevigney, and Natasha Lyonne.
· Last Wednesday evening, Ethan Hawke with son in arms, outside Gramercy Park. Overheard asking, "Is someone going to let us in or what?"

· Sunday at about 4, we saw Leona Helmsley walking west on 57th Street. She was with two older men and she was holding a tiny white dog. She's not an attractive woman.
· About an hour later, we noticed a large group of secret service men outside Brooks Brothers on 5th Avenue. Inside were even more, including one who carried a mysterious, rifle shaped tote bag. In the corner, looking at pants, was president of France Jacques Chirac.
· 7:40 p.m. Friday, Richard Gere and his wife Carey Lowell walking arm in arm on West Houston before crossing south at MacDougal. No sign of their son or the Dalai Lama; perhaps he's the sitter.
· so i was on the corner of bedford and carmine streets, when who should disembark from a taxi (the presence of which on the block of tenements where i live being a news coup in and of itself) but drew barrymore and that wooly-headed rock star from the strokes, in the less than exalted company of a greasy, stomach-bearing girl and her own fabio-lookalike companion. i know the camera is meant to add 10 lbs, but it's time to move the decimal point one place over to the right of that projection, as she looked about half as thin as she ever does in the movies. they tried to go to shopsin's, but given the former's whimsical hours of operation, were told that they failed to meet to lunchtime cutoff, and headed east on bedford undeterred...
· just saw alec baldwin at equinox. he was wearing one of those little tennis visor things, his hair all akimbo. he is one huge sweaty puffball of a man.
· i saw george clooney friday night around 7pm in the lobby of the four seasons. i've never been much of a gc fan, but in person this man is *beautiful* and looks much younger than he does on film. he was friendly to all the staff — and had an extremely distinguished air about him which reminded me of actors from the 1950s...i can definitely see how he's a hollywood playboy.
· on sunday, saw jimmy fallon filming a new movie on 24th and madison, Jimmy came over to a group of tourists that were watching (and myself), shook everyone's hand, said hello, and was joking around and doing the boston wicked smart bit. Nice guy!
· Saw a slightly intoxicated-looking (is that possible?) Katie Couric at Mexican Radio yesterday around 9 p.m. She breezed in with three other women, all taller than her, spent about ten minutes talking to the people at the table next to ours, who she obviously knew, then left again, leaving one member of her entourage behind. Was hoping to catch her show this morning to see whether she looked at all worse for wear, but didn't get a chance to.
· Just ran out to the bank and passed Billy Joel, Alexa Ray and two other people who I could not ID (their backs were to me) dining outside at Fiorello's Restaurant across from Lincoln Center. He looks amazing, she, well it's just genetically unfair when you consider the odds. I'm sure she's very nice.
· Last night (9/18) I was rocking out to The Darkness at the Bowery Ballroom in the front row and standing 2 people away from me was Julia Stiles fist pumping and rocking out too! Then I saw Jason Dill from pro-skateboarding/Osbornes fame at the Tribeca Grand Popbitch party. Then I spotted Chloe Sevigney at MI-5 Bar in Tribeca as well as Natasha Lyonne at The Park.