It's official, kids. We were stunned to hear tonight that former, yes, former Gawker editor Elizabeth Spiers has taken a permanent position at New York Magazine. Really, we had no idea this was coming.

We're surprised that Editrix Emeritus Spiers is throwing away her "I'm a poor freelancer, I run from gunfights in the East Village" credentials for an actual job. There'll be snickering about this egregious sellout on Avenue B tonight.

Ms. Spiers and official new Gawker editor Choire Sicha shared an intimate dinner tonight, during which she divulged all her secrets, promised an exclusive interview, and with trembling hands passed on to him the "I'm a Total Bitch" trucker cap that our publisher Nick Denton hand-sewed for her on Gawker's very first day. The moment was beautiful, if one squinted a little.

We'll miss you madly, Elizabeth Spiers, but at least you'll always be near — and we'll always know where to find your writings for our delectation... and our mockery.
I Sell Out [Elizabeth Spiers]