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In this over-the-top fashion week issue: Sophia Coppola, Ingrid Casares macking on Gina Gershon, Anna Wintour, Susan Sarandon sneaking snacks into the movies, Michael Musto, Giselle Bundchen, Sophia Coppola and Paris Hilton in the same room (disproving rumors that they are the same person), Eden Riegel, Bernadette Peters, Kate Moss' baby, Al Franken twice, Gabriel Byrne, Rachel Dratch, Michelle Williams, Rob Morrow, Chuck Norris on the W train, Irina, Kelly Klein, and Sarah Polley, Scott Speedman, Olympia Dukakis and spouse, and a no-show by Mark Buffalo at My Life Without Me premiere.

· I came out of the 8:00 showing of "Lost in Translation" at the Chelsea theater on Friday night to see Sofia Coppola herself, loitering ever-so-casually in front of the theater with her ever-so-hipster entourage. And her ever-so-tacky SUV limousine. I was sort of reminded of that scene in "Soapdish" where Sally Field's soap opera star character goes out to a mall in Jersey to be "accidentally" recognized. She was very small.

· Ingrid Casares trying to have a moment with Gina Gershon, and Gina sorta ignoring it, only posing for a quick photo, then moving quickly to her seat looking at bit scared of the Casares thing
· Had my first Anna sighting the other day in lobby of 4 Times Square (about 2.30pm). Very regal, perfect helmet hair, wearing a pink jacket and brown skirt, and being trailed by several handsome men (her fashion week wranglers perhaps?) Most notable thing, though, was how young she looks, particularly in the eye region. Who did them, I wonder???
· 11:30 am showing of Lost In Translation at the Loews on 3rd Ave Susan Sarandon and daughter in front of me and they brought there own snacks with them. Then saw Michael Musto and a stocky woman with red hair on 2nd Ave and East 4 Street around 2 PM
· Marc Jacobs party at the Maritime Hotel I spotted Giselle Bundchen (sp?) with some girlie pals looking very naturally beautiful and like she was having a good time. Sophia Coppola who is very petite and also very beautiful - without Spikey though. Paris Hilton looking like Paris Hilton. She would also appear to have absolutely no arse whatsoever.
· I spotted Eden Riegel, "Bianca" from all my children, this weekend walked west on 72nd street between broadway and west end ave. she was really tiny, smiley, and talking on a cell phone.
· I spotted Bernadette Peters on saturday at noon in schubert alley walking into the gypsy theatre. she was wearing tight jeans and a tight jacket with her hair in braids. she looked really young. she was followed by a schlubby assistant in a flannel shirt carrying two huge duane reade bags.
· Was walking up Mercer at approximately 2.45 when I saw THE cutest little baby — all pink chubby cheeks, tousled blonde hair and bright blue eyes — just parked in her stroller plonk in the middle of the sidewalk I looked to left and right to see if she'd been abandoned and to work out which way to walk round her when I saw her mum, Kate Moss, gamely signing autographs for a nouveau punk with perfectly jelled spike hair and catwalk-ready make-up. AAaaaaaah!
· Saw Al Franken after the acoustic concert in Central Park on Sunday (with Mary Chapin-Carpenter, Shawn Colvin, Patty Griffin, and Dar Williams). He must be a friend of Williams because she mentioned his book onstage—said she wanted to plug it because it "hadn't gotten a lot of publicity". He was surrounded by a coterie of admiring college-age women.
· Al Franken and a young girl I hope to god is his daughter trying to weasle his way backstage at the Mary Chapin Carpenter/Shawn Colvin/Patty Griffin/Dar Williams concert at Rumsey Playfield on Sunday afternoon. Dar eventually emerged and briefly talked to him, but later when she plugged his book halfway through the show, he was nowhere to be found.......
· Gabriel Byrne - bleeker street, sunday, 6 pm: slightly disheveled. [Ed. Has he ever been sheveled?]
· I passed Rachel Dratch on my way into flea market. i turned to my friend and said YESSSSSSSS! rachel dratch rules. and i looked over my shoulder and she and her friend had heard me. oops, whatever, it was a compliment right? Michelle Williams (the dearly departed Jen from the Creek) was there too. now, sunday was sweaty and nasty as all hell but she was wearing jeans and long sleeves and looked really adorable and frizz free (bitch).
· Rob Morrow at the Gennera show at spike gallery. Outfit looked to be a leftover from wardrobe on his show 'street time' the Gennera show itself is pretty interesting - models frolicking in a created rompus room
· Saw Chuck Norris (9/15, 18:30), on uptown W as he exited at Times Sq. Mr. "Delta Force" was accompanied by a few friends and seemed to have been chatting with others in the car. No attitude whatsoever, very folksy and approachable.
· On 9/9 at my yoga class in soho, was (former?) supermodel Irina, the icelandic girl. she is very pregnant. she knew a couple of the other students and knew the instructor also.
· Kelly Klein, in the second row at Marc Jacobs show.
· At the premiere for a cute/sad indie movie called My Life Without Me at the Sunshine Cinema on Houston, I saw Sarah Polley and Scott Speedman. At the LES afterparty Scott came in with no entourage and was beset by slimy-looking PR people (is there any other kind?) and was trotted around like a thoroughbred. He was unbearably cute and hot in the movie, but in person he just looked regular, in a blue suit and Marine-short hair. Sarah Polley didn't show at the afterparty (that I saw — I tipped a bartender five bucks and she ignored me anyway, so I took my free drink and left—hence my not naming the bar). THAT must have thrown the PR people into a tailspin. Baw haw.

Meanwhile, when we first got there, I saw Olympia Dukakis' husband, who played the super on Mad About You. You know, "Hello, Buckmans." Anyway I was eyeballing him because he had a goatee and was wearing a Shakespeare Festival polo shirt, so I thought maybe he was a friend of my parents' that I was supposed to say hi to, but since I couldn't place him I didn't. Then I saw him with Olympia and put two and two together, duh. She looked fantastic, which is to say when my sister and I first saw her, we thought she was Debbie Harry, who was also in the movie and doesn't look so great.

What's sad is, Mark Buffalo wasn't there, even though he was even more unbearably hot in the movie, so I didn't get to follow him into the bathroom to inspect his alleged trouser-anaconda. Drat!