Gawker Stalker sightings are provided by readers. Send yours to

In today's superlative edition: Al Franken, Larry King, Nick Valensi and Amanda deCadenet, Bjork and Matthew Barney, Kevin Shields, Nathan Lane, Gisele Bundchen, Scott Foley, Jayson Blair, Robert Redford, Gwen Stefani, and, as always, Philip Seymour Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman, incidentally, will soon be banned from Gawker Stalker if he can't stay out of public view for a few days.
· Today, Al Franken in the bathroom at CNN. I noticed him standing at the urinal while I went to excecute my daily numero deux. When I exited the stall —some five minutes later, some five pounds lighter— he was still standing at the urinal, seemingly deep in thought, unable to pee. A little known CNN anchor asked him —apros his recent appearance— 'how did it go?' Franken replied: 'Fine. It went fine.'
'Pardon?' said the little known CNN anchor.
'Fine. It went fine,' said Franken.
He then left the bathroom having not peed.

· Sunday, Sept. 7 at Park and 54th - saw Larry King, wearing a bizarre Western shirt and walking with the steady gait one would expect from a 400 year-old turtle.
· Nick Valensi (of the strokes) and Amanda deCadenet (of...who the hell knows) walking one of those strange looking black east village bulldogs around 8:30 wednesday night on ave. a and 7th. He looks more girly than she does. He's pretty.
· On Saturday, walking South on Mott with my sister, we spotted a very hip-looking couple coming towards us. I noticed that the guy was really hot and the girl was very very cute, and then I realized that the very very cute girl was Bjork, sporting her nice little bowl haircut and the extremely hot guy was Matthew Barney. They were holding hands. Everyone always snarks Bjork's style, but she's very tiny and very beautifully elven-looking.
· i saw kevin shields from my bloody valentine at von the other night talking to another longhair at the bar. he looked good, not like a recluse at all. overheard him say he was in town to promote sofia coppola's new film.
· I was having drinks outside of Bubby's last night. Around 9:30, Nathan Lane got out of a black car on Hudson Street and walked up North Moore. Very casual, in a sweat shirt. He's thinner than I would have thought.
· a gawker stalker this evening. i was walking along hudson river park, about 6, and spied an attractive woman in sunglasses walking her dog next to someone on a bike. this person turned out to be gisele bundchen; confirmed by the doubletakes of every passerby. not bad, but no competition for the sunset.
· if that was scott foley (noel-felicity) walking by me by the AOL time warner building today he is quite the hottie and not the bohunk as first depicted on the show....made me forget how hot scott speedman is...for a sec.
· Pretty sure (but not entirely) that I saw Jayson Blair at Micky's Blue Room on Avenue C Tuesday night.
· Robert Redford getting into a blue Deville on East 43rd Street. Accompanied by a younger man—probably in his 70s.
· saw gwen stefani w/ some guy (dressed very fashionable, stylist perhaps?) on broome and greene on wed, sept. 10
· 11 September 1:00PM Lafayette Street between Astor and 4th, west side of the street is a disheveled Philip Seymour Hoffman in a baseball cap, accompanied by an age appropriate woman, Hoffman pushing a stroller occupied by a red haired child. The whole vision seemed terribly odd, but like my buddy Rich says "I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying".