Although it's Sunday, we're obsessively thinking about this Craigslist post: "I am writing on behalf of a Manhattan-based female celebrity for whom I am an assistant to. She is looking for a group of about 5-6 men whom she can keep in an on-call position for sexual favors, such as sensual massage, oral sex, sex, and various other activities. You will be paid when called on to perform a task in addition to a weekly courtesy stipend you will receive for being on call." We're a little unclear on how this arrangement is different from the majority of marriages on East 72nd Street. But still, we're proud of little Nicky Hilton for taking it to Craigslist to demand what she desires — while simultaneously upstaging her slatternly spotlight-hogging sister!
Casual Sex Partner(s) for Classy Woman - w4mm [Craigslist]