Let's just go back to long Fridays in the office and more work and forget this whole wet cloudy debacle ever happened. And some of us suffered even more than others this summer! While we were all trapped indoors playing Parcheesi and having rainy day affairs with our married Hamptons share-mates, Silvano Marchetto (owner of Da Silvano), Sirio Maccioni (owner of Le Cirque 2000), and Martha Stewart (owner of a bad attitude) were forced to flee the rainforest of the Eastern Seaboard. Arriving in Tuscany, they found it was too hot to even go to the beach. Mr. Marchetto, undoubtedly scolded by Martha into performing origami aerobics in the noonday sun, actually fainted at lunch. We surely sympathize.
Summer of Sun? We Wuz Robbed [NYT]