From: "scott black" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 14:18:00 -0700
Subject: Does your City have a Lapel Pin?

My name is Scott Black, owner of I would like to offer our custom pin services to your city. We can duplicate an existing pin or create a new pin design for your city or special event. We will offer you a great price and provide you the best quality pins. Please allow us the opportunity to work with you on your city pin. You will pay no shipping fees and the pins will arrive in 3 to 4 weeks. I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you,
Scott Black

Dear Scott,
I don't believe we have a lapel pin, but I'm not entirely sure as I'm only charge of the city on an informal basis. (You may do better to direct your questions to the President of New York.) In the meantime, I will speak on the city's behalf. As usual.

Perhaps we should have a lapel pin. (Or is it a lapel pinz?) We could require wearers to present proof of NYC residency before receiving their pin(z). It would be like a Soho House card, but without the questionable plastic wine glasses and David Beckham. They could say "My city can beat up your city." Or "Who are these people?these people who live across the river? Oh, wait. It doesn't matter." It would be great for trips to LA.

I'll get back to you,
Elizabeth Spiers

[Ed.I'm taking design submissions. Send to]