I generally don't do political posts on Gawker because we're not supposed to be partisan. (Ideological dogmatism and shameless demagoguery, on the other hand, are fine.) But there are exceptions to every rule. Neal Pollack has excerpted posts from the blogs of various presidential candidates, which I, in turn, feel compelled to excerpt from Neal's blog.
· "HOWARD DEAN, August 21—Heidi Julavits has this manifesto up at The Believer, which, as you know, is the latest project from the talentless ironists at McSweeneys, which is trying to be all sincere now, and it's not working. ulavits wants to have it both ways: To get her book reviewed and also to have people read and enjoy it." [Ed.Pollack is clearly whoring for a snarkwatch mention.]
· "RICHARD GEPHARDT, August 25—Did you see that episode of Queer Eye where they took off the guy's back hair? Gross! I totally want to be on Queer Eye, though."
The blog-making of the President [NealPollack.com]