Mark Simpson, who coined the word "metrosexual" on the ongoing repercussions: "The media gang-bang of the metrosexual continued to grow, rapidly developing into a case of full-blown global metrosexmania. Is there a single publication in the 'developed' world, other than Farming Monthly which hasn't run the story? In the weeks after the article appeared I was bombarded with requests for interviews about 'my' bastard child from, amongst others, The Straits Times in Singapore, the Chicago Sun-Tribune, Maxim Russia, 60 Minutes Australia, and CNN. On one especially strange afternoon I found myself being interviewed in my back garden by Russian TV. 'What does a typical metrosexual wear,' the interviewer asked, 'what does he eat?'" [Ed.Given the level of media saturation, I'd normally feel compelled to declare metrosexuals officially "soooo over" at this point, but I'm starting to think that declaring things over is, like, so over.]
Metrosexmania update [Mark Simpson]