Gawker Stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send to

In this issue: Evan Handler, "one of the Beastie Boys," Q-Tip, Molly Shannon +1, Arye Gross, Jai Rodriguez, Joseph Jackson, Al Pacino, David Byrne, Momus, and Nick Nolte.
· I saw Evan Handler examining women's tank tops at the Barney's Warehouse sale last Saturday. [Ed. Note: Oh, come ON! I know you meant to say you saw Evan Handler handling women's tank tops. You're so fired!]

· "i am in the soho apple store and i see one of the beastie boys and q tip from a tribe called quest talking to each other. the beastie boy is wearing a green t shirt with 83 on it and he's got two software packages. q tip has on a black sleeveless marithe and francois tee with some black jumpman 23 sneakers and a pair of white polyester type capri pants. and a black air jordan wristband on his left wrist. store workers are chatting him up right now, while he's waiting on line. i'm gonna go stalk some more. see ya." [Ed. Note: Real-time stalking makes us realize that in the wireless future no one will have any privacy and we are a little bit dystopically nervous about this trend.]
· Real-time stalking part two: "beastie boy aforementioned has a black/yellow backpack, a longboard type skateboard and droopy jeans on with merrell-type sneakers. he's with an older middle aged asian woman who is also buying some software. oh i think it's his wife, because they have a mixed-race girl about 5 years old who's standing on his longboard."
· "A very pregnant Molly Shannon was walking into a just-about-to-close Kate's Paperie (13th Street) at around 7:30pm on Wednesday night."
· "Saw former 80s star Arye Gross outside of the Jet Blue terminal after our JFK to Long Beach flight this morning (Wednesday). He looked much older than I would have anticipated, though I did just see him in a movie (Safety of Objects?) where he looked aged, but at least 5 years younger than how he looks now. He's shorter than I thought, a smoker, and has thick little pudgy fingers - the kind you'd think a swimming pool finisher would have." [Ed. Note: We had to look up that name to make sure you weren't trying to pull a fast one on us. Arye who?]
· "Spotted: Yesterday afternoon, Queer Eye small fry Jai Rodriguez, who on the show is in charge of... composure, or something totally gay like that, crouching outside of the Diesel store on Union Square's west side. Talking on his cell phone with overly producted hair but really great skin."
· "Last night, having dinner in Jersey City at a Mexican restaurant called Ole Ole Ole was Joseph Jackson, Michael's dad having dinner with 2 female companions... He kept to himself and was friendly towards diners who recognized him. According to the waiter, he's filming a movie in Bayonne, Newark, and Manhattan."
· "Al Pacino at Le Madri in Chelsea, last night around 8 pm. Was with a group of well suited men. Hair was very gray and a bit scruffy. They were whisked away to a corner table. It didn't appear that anyone bothered them as the back of the restaurant was fairly empty." [Ed. Note: No one bothers Pacino more than once, know what I mean?]
· "I saw a grey-haired David Byrne riding his bike in Williamsburg with a female companion whose face was moving too fast to analyze. In shock, I uttered "Hey", some kind of knee jerk reaction, to which he looked over, but I kept riding. [Ed. Note: Smooth move, Ex-lax.] Also, I saw the eye-patched Momus in Williamburg right by the Bedford L stop, trying to operate a payphone, his remaining hair flapping in the wind, with a male friend beside him. Lastly, I saw Nick Nolte hanging out at a Smog concert at the Bowery Ballroom a couple of weeks ago, with a younger male friend. He looked bored and kept running his fingers through his longish hair. No Hulk moves there." [Ed. Note: Are you sure it was Nolte? It's hard to tell it's him unless he makes a pronouncement about the extinction of the dinosaurs and the Wrath of Khan, or swings a knife at someone. God bless him, he's fun. Also: you need to get out less.]