· A slobby Port Authority cop benefited greatly from his Queer Eye makeover which aired Tuesday night, but on Wednesday at work his new duds and pedicure couldn't save him from the wrath of his employer. Evidently having queens flounce around in your police uniform doesn't sit well with the powers that be. (Idea for a new reality show for straight guys who've been gayified: There's Got To Be A Morning After; Gay Self Defense Tricks for the Metrosexual. Hire me.) [Daily News]
· We all know L.A. does awful things to people: it was rumored that Britney Spears went from straight to hasbian in a mere 15 minutes at an L.A. nightclub. But no: she was merely making out with fembot Jared Leto. Same dif. [E!]
· Update on yesterday's Phish pedophilia photography scandal: Segway involved! Oh, and the whole thing was allegedly completely innocent and parentally-permissioned. [Ken Layne]
· Tired of seeing ugly pictures of himself on Page Six, professional sexy-ugly man Vincent Gallo provides The New York Post with sanctioned self-portrait. [NY Post]
· Stephen Glass, founder of Lying Journalists Anonymous, is making amends to every publication to which he submitted fake stories. And he's getting work out of it: Rolling Stone is giving him another shot. Copy editors are standing by. (Idea for a new reality show: Truthful Eye for the Journalist Guy, in which copy editors... oh, you get the idea.) [Daily News]