· Thom Filicia, design doctor of the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy team, didn't actually get the B.A. in Interior Design his bio claims: he's a dropout! Shriek! [Queerday]
· The giant inflatable rat used by unions to shame non-union employers has been parked in front of the Church of Scientology processing center in Manhattan. The alleged scandal? Employing a non-union outfit that allegedly abuses immigrant workers. No word on whether this abuse consisted of forcing the workers to watch Scientologist John Travolta's films. [NY Post]
· What Bonnie Fuller got to leave Us Weekly: "AMI offered Fuller $1.5 million in stock equity, a $1.5 million annual salary, a similar bonus plan, unlimited car and driver and $18,000 a year for a personal trainer." Go Bonnie! [Daily News]
· Nightclub Limelight is re-opening... yet again, after totally tanking as "Estate" last year. Someone should hire some pagan witches to smudgestick that cursed place. Or at least some feng shui? [Cindy Adams]