Gawker Stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send to In this issue: David Duchovny, Kevin Bacon, Darryl Hannah, Antonio Banderas, Johnny Knoxville, David Byrne, Amy Jo Johnson, Meryl Streep, Dave Attell, Jennifer Esposito, and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
· Sunday evening I saw David Duchovny at the Lincoln Plaza Cinemas on Broadway and 63rd at a 7:05 showing of Whale Rider. He was with a MUCH older (read: white haired) woman. Probably his mother or he's trying in vain to be like Ashton Kutcher. He looked as good as he does on screen. His hair looked freshly washed and I really wanted to smell it. (TMI?) He played with his hair through the whole movie and then left as soon as it was over before the lights came on. Not sure if he cried during the film, but I did. [Ed. Note: Yes, sources confirm it was his mother. Sources do not note the state of his tear ducts.]

· In line for Sunday brunch last weekend at Good Enough to Eat on the Upper East Side, we saw Kevin Bacon and his grumpy looking tween son... they attempted to bypass the long line waiting to be seated (as it always is there), but thanks to the lovely staff, they were referred to go to the back and wait their turn. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere about how Kevin had to wait his turn for his Bacon. Or maybe not... [Ed. Note: Of course there is. The joke is: "Kevin had to wait his turn for his Bacon." I'll be here all week! Literally!]
· Just saw Darryl Hannah (sp?) and what could have been her son trying to hail a cab on 3rd ave and 47th Street. Have to say, before I realized who it was, whilst looking through a glass window at her side profile and dress style, I thought she was Axel Rose from a time gone by- how wrong can you be!! [Ed. Note: Darryl Hannah has no children; she has recently spoken of her desire to produce or otherwise procure some in the near future.]
· who: Antonio Banderas, with son in tow. where: 14 Wall St. when: 12:15 today. wearing: large, touristy t-shirt, red baseball cap backwards, very large camera slung around his neck. impressions: surprisingly incognito, or perhaps everyone around him is too busy getting back to the NYSE after lunch. [Ed. Note: Mr. Banderas has a stepson who is around 17 or 18, and an adorable young daughter. Perhaps he abducted this small child from Darryl Hannah's pool of potential future children.]
· I saw Johnny Knoxville at the Apple Store in Soho Monday afternoon. The line was exceptionally long, and he was waiting a few people behind me. First a starfucker clerk came up to him and offered to ring up his purchase upstairs, which he declined. Then some scarily obsessed looking young man came up to him and outrageously fawned all over him. Man, this kid was creepy! I think he asked Johnny for a hug or something. Johnny tried his best to be polite, but looked very uncomfortable.
· An entirely white-haired David Byrne ordering take out with friends at Pepe Giallo in West Chelsea. While waiting for his to go meal someone apparently bumped a shelf nearby and plates came crashing to the floor causing quite a disturbance. Unfazed by the nearby mess, Byrne walked over and pitched in to help the bus boys clean up.
· Had a mini-celeb sighting today at Elmo on 7th Avenue and 19th: Amy Jo Johnson of "Felicity," AKA the Ben-stealing guitar-playing oft-warbling lip-quivering we-get-that-you're-adopted Julie. To those who say "hey, that's old news, that show went off the air last year" I say "you clearly do not work at home and succumb all too often to the charms of the Women's Entertainment Network," where Felicity runs twice each day (down from the three-times-a-day sked in the fall). To us, seeing little Amy Jo is like celeb-sighting gold. She looked exactly like she looks on TV, by the way, and was with a thirtysomething-looking guy and they both had their dogs (hers was a really cute Boxer).
· Sunday afternoon around 2 pm, Meryl Streep and I admired the same wool pantsuit in the window of Agnes B. on 15th St. Her hair was short and scruffy, and she wasn't wearing makeup. She was wearing a baseball cap, very cute little tortoise shell sunglsses, and a yellow top with endearingly dorky jeans that sat right at her waist. She has a very cute, full bum. She was carrying a white canvas bag. She looked very un-movie star, which was awesome. She looked sort of like my mom.
· I was in French Roast on 6th Ave. & 12th on the Thursday night of the blackout and saw Dave Attell ordering an iced coffee from the bartender. I looked at him. He looked at me. I was already half in the bag. His eyes said, "Yes, I am a minor celebrity; and yes, New York has gone all caca-poopoo, but please don't talk to me. Please." I left him alone.
· I saw Sex and the City?s 'Absolut Hunk' on the corner of 15th and 5th at about 7 p.m. during the blackout with Summer of Sam knockout Jennifer Esposito. They were walking these huge but adorable dogs and stopped to chat w/ fans. They both looked unbelievable.
· So on Friday during the Blackout of 2003, I was sitting on my curb in the West Village waiting for some janky car service to whisk me away to parts where they had power and food, and who walks buy but Philip Seymour Hoffman. I barely recognized him. He was wearing a baseball cap and shorts and was with a woman and a baby. They looked happy to be walking around in the sun.