Gawker stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send to

In this issue, we learn that celebrities like electricity too: Drew Barrymore, Moby, Eric Bogosian, Pierce Brosnan, Julianne Moore, David Cross, Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick, Sarah Jessica Parker, The Mean Drummer From Interpol, Hugh Jackman, and more.

· "Just arrived at the Barney's Warehouse Sale when the blackout happened. Hard-core shoppers (and who isn't when schlepping to those semi-annual events) didn't miss a beat. Security guard to would-be shoe afficionnados: 'No, you CANNOT take the shoes outside of the shoe area.' Customer: 'But it's dark in here, we just want to get closer to the windows to see them.' Upon leaving 18th St., I walked along 7th Avenue to head back downtown. While still in full Barney's mode, I spotted a very hip-looking mother pushing a baby stroller talking to a companion in a very lively manner. Mother was wearing hot pink top paired w/ army green cargo pants w/ some kind of lettering/logo on the back, and funky shoes. Very New York, very S.a.T.C., and of course very Carrie, which made sense since it was after all SJP [Sarah Jessica Parker] walking and pushing (the stroller, not other people) trying to get home just like the rest of us. Though she just looked much lovelier than the rest of us."

· "Even in the din of Blackout 2K3, we find that we are all made of stars. Grabbed some gelato from Il Laborotoria Del Gelato on Orchard and Broome in order to get out of the A/C-less apartment, and while I was on the bench eating it, saw Moby walk by with a couple friends. He was wearing a baseball cap and was pushing one of those old lady grocery carts. Not sure what was in it." [Ed. note: I believe our reader is insinuating that Moby was looting! We can neither confirm nor deny, though it seems out of character for a vegan to loot, no?]
· "On Friday at about 3 p.m., shortly after the power was restored to the West Village, I saw Drew Barrymore and Fabrizio Moretti eating at Tatorria Speghetto on the corner of Carmine/Bleecker and then I just about walked into them when they were leaving (they were kind of doing a lame-o, tourist, which-way-do-i-go thing). Drew is tiny, which worries me because she always looks like the biggest of Charlie's Angels. Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz must be some scrawny waifs when you see them up close. [Ed. note: Neither Cameron nor Lucy have Calista syndrome in person. Worry not for them, they look quite human.] Then, Saturday I walked past Julianne Moore on the corner of 6th Ave/12th Street. Her signature red hair was pulled back into a ponytail, her porcelain skin was dotted with about 5 billion freckles and she was pushing a baby stroller. I hear she has a $2.65 million duplex penthouse in The Village."
· "Friday night - ate dinner at Josie's near Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick, I guess their daughter and another unidentified guy. The air wasn't working great but the pair braved the heat. Kevin Bacon looked fresh out of Footloose - with a short sleeve button down, opened all the way, to reveal a white wife beater."
· "1:30 AM? (nobody wears watches anymore, and by this time, all cell phones were off to save battery power): outside of 2A, amidst a group of blacked-out blackouters: David Cross, standing in the middle of the street, by himself, his boombox perched precariously on a full trashcan on the corner behind him: 'Pretty good mix, David.' 'Yeah, I made it in case there was a blackout tonight.'"
· "Saw Pierce Brosnan leaving Sette Mezzo last night, after finishing dinner. The other people was dining with (a man and woman ) left the restaurant first, then he quickly exited behind them. They were talking about going back to 64th street. He looked great, but, then I have always been a fan. In profile, his nose is very small."
· "On Saturday night at Luna Lounge myself and three of my friends had four separate confrontations with the drummer from Interpol. First, he tried to snatch away my friend Stephanie's money as she waited at the bar for a drink — after telling him he had bad bar manners, he started telling her that he owned part of the bar and was cutting her off for being a bitch. The bartenders clearly could tell he was wasted and were exasperated. Then I stepped in to buy us a drink instead and he started yelling that I was friends with the "bitch" who was rude to him and I was cut off too. I tried to make amends by offering to buy him a drink but he continued to yell that I was cut off. Later on, he told my friend Carrie out of the blue that she was a "fucking snob" and then proceeded to brag that he was in Interpol. Lastly, he approached my friend James for no reason and asked him (in a threatening manner) "What are you 19? I am gonna beat your fucking ass!" His band is pretty cool, but clearly this loser is a fucking tool."

· Update from another reader: "I have to correct you in your story about the drunk mean drummer from Interpol. He was in LA at the time... He doesn't own or work at Luna Lounge. The sometime keyboard player works there as a bartender so that was probably who it was." [Ed. note: Just like Nick Rhodes in Duran Duran, it's always the evil keyboardist.]
· "I saw Hugh Jackman walking down 9th avenue in the 40s around 7:30, before the sun was setting, with a gym bag in one hand and an assistant following behind him. He refused to walk on the sidewalk and was walking amongst cars stopped in traffic."