Gawker's kind of done with the whole blackout thing. It's so very last week. Really, there are people in this world who've never even had a frappuccino, much less suffered for a day without one.

We do know for a fact that sleazy, raunchy, beautiful things happened during the blackout, but not a soul is sharing. We have heard reports of arrangements, sexual arrangements, between those without cash and those without Manhattan apartments. But evidently an electric forcefield of shame has descended in the clear light of, uh, light. We're currently accepting true and truly degrading downtown blackout stories and celebrity sightings at Please overshare.

Meanwhile, writer Paul Ford gives the deal from Brooklyn:

"We watched the sun go down over Red Hook, staring at the traffic on the Gowanus Expressway. A holiday mood came over us.

'New Jersey has limited power,' the radio said.

'They didn't deserve power in the first place,' I said."
As Brooklyn Slowly Drunkened [Paul Ford, F-Train]