Rossi from is doing odd little stream-of-consciousness reviews of places in downtown Manhattan. A sample:
Marions is a kitsch shangrila
a cross between a 1950's living room and a 1970's drag queen's bedroom
they pour the meanest martinis of all shades and flavors
and are the only place i know
since Trader Vics left NYC
to serve a poo poo or is it pu pu platter
from its flaming perch
dine in Hawaiin style chicken drums
and a million other things
i was too drunk to remember
[Ed.In case you haven't noticed, I'm much more likely to post restaurant reviews on Gawker if they're A) funny; B) limericks or haikus; C) in any sort of non-standard format.]
Kissing the lower half continued [RossiRants]