· Ex-US Weekly editor Bonnie Fuller, now an exec at American Media, is said to have picked Eric Ritter, the former executive managing editor of Inside Edition, to helm Star. [NY Daily News]
· Ex-Talk editor Tina Brown says she hasn't agreed to edit the New York Daily News. [Page Six]
· Garage rock band the Black Keys got kicked out of the Gramercy Park Hotel for tossing Gideon Bibles and budweiser cartons out the window. [Page Six]
· Indie actor Vincent Gallo says he doesn't really believe he gave film critic Roger Ebert cancer. [Page Six]
· In a post titled, "Come back, Jason [sic] Blair!," Kevin Smith complains on his website that the NYT misquoted him. [Page Six]
· "Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake having a late dinner at Da Silvano with Drew Barrymore and Fabrizio Moretti. The frisky foursome left after midnight with their limited edition Da Silvano tank tops." [Page Six]