Re: celebrities getting kicked off of Friendster, the Village Voice's Tricia Romano reports that it's been a common occurance: "At the Tribeca Grand's big bash last Friday, a drunk Tommie Sunshine told me that his account had been suspended. 'They don't think I'm a real person!' he said... Fischerspooner's glam singer, Casey Spooner, ended his Friendster fun. Last weekend, we got a bulletin board post from his 'special friend' Adam Dugashimself a handsome performer and boy about townproclaiming that 'Friendster 'alpha' is going to be a GHOST TOWN.' Indeed, a few weeks before that, renowned San Francisco turntablist QBert's profile was removed." Romano's list of Friendster alternatives: Fallen Friendsters,,,,
Fu@!k Friendster [Village Voice]