· Monday 8/11, evening - Nicole Kidman shopping at Yohji Yamamato boutique in Soho, accompanied by identified handsome, seemingly younger man. She was pleasant to adoring staff, yet in too much of a hurry for her discount or proffered complimentary items.
· At last night's 60th anniversary screening of Casablanca: Lauren Bacall, looking elegant but surprisingly like a little old lady these days (I haven't seen a picture of her in ten years, so this came as quite a shock). Also there were the daughters of Ingrid Bergman: Isabella Rossilini looking beautiful, but with not particularly flattering short hair, Ingrid Rosilini looking pretty if slightly plain, and Pia Lindstrom who apparently has a stellar pair of legs (go fig).

· Drew Barrymore at Coffee Shop in Union Square, curled in a ball and reading The Odyssey. Fabrizio showed up later to meet her
· Hollywood: Teen punk-pop sensations (read: one-hit wonder) the All-American Rejects checking into the Grafton hotel on Sunset Boulevard at 4:00 pm today (Monday). Basketball shorts and vintage tees abound.
· Saw Amanda Lepore on Saturday night, walking down avenue A with a guy I didn't recognize. The goth kids who come in truckloads from Jersey and Long Island to wander St. Marks didn't seem to recognize her. She looked like Bugs Bunny in drag as Kylie Minogue