(I'm still in LA, so I can justify writing about this.) Blogger Daniel Radosh drudges up Premiere's 2000 exposé as well as SPY's 1992 story on Arnold Schwarzenegger, just in case we all forgot about Arnold's colorful history. (Radosh also provides the obligatory Schwartzenegger naked pic.) Some things worth mentioning:
· "...in the 1970s he enjoyed playing and giving away records of Hitler's speeches." (Commentary from a guest at a fundraiser for one of the Jewish charities Schwartzenegger supports to deflect attention from that fact: "'Arnold's very big right now, and everybody wants to work with him. Besides, this is Hollywood, and these guys would hire Hitler if it meant making money.")
· Actual quote: "It's not being unfaithful. It's only some plo-jobs."
· From the SPY story: "His current obsession is with pictures that show him holding a cigar, since he thinks it ill suits the head of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports to be seen smoking. So let's get this straight: A man who took huge amounts of steroids becomes head of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, but his main worry is that people will think he smokes cigars. If cigars are Arnold's fitness scandal, then he really has made the steroid problem go away"
Arnold Schwartzenekked!! [Radosh.net]