The latest installment in Aimee Plumley's not-to-be-missed "Friendster Fiction" series:
"Oh God, that's right," said Gloria, her voice high and righteous. "I forgot about the whole Williamsburg self-serve thing."
"Gloria! Jesus Christ! I ll get you a new one if it s a big deal."
"Relax," said Gloria. "It's fucking Williamsburg, not you. What a joke. These fucking morons think they re so fucking sophisticated with their stupid self-serve coffee bullshit. I bet they think it makes them more free or some shit. Don t you think?"
"More free?" said Clair.
"Seriously, it s like somewhere in Williamsburg there s some fucking jackass hipster king who sits on a bean bag and issues proclamations like, Hear-ye Hear-ye! Oh loser minions of post-industrial, bohemia! From this day forth, all aspects of living in Williamsburg will reflect our liberation from the shackled, rat-race of bourgeoisies Manhattan! And in accordance with these our founding principles all coffee tending shall be SELF-SERVE, to reflect our commitment to freedom for all people, especially the poor Latino immigrant labor so shamelessly exploited to sugar and milk endless cups of coffee! Yay! We re fucking awesome!" she spat. "Fucking losers."
Friendster, Part II - Verb Cafe, Williamsburg [HipstersAreAnnoying]