A participant in Lizzie Grubman's Learning Annex "How to do PR" seminar ("start with daddy's Rolodex.") tells all in Salon: Grubman...refused repeatedly, almost combatively, to answer questions with any helpful specifics. I am not talking about questions like 'On that little knob, which one is DRIVE and which one is REVERSE?' or 'What were you thinking?' I am talking about practical what-people-came-for inquiries about how one might promote a comedy festival, a bakery, a home decorating expert, and so forth. Grubman's answers included: 'Well, I'd need to know what kind of bakery,' 'Get the stars to go on Leno and Conan O'Brien,' 'I analyze it as a kinda three-month kinda campaign sort of thing,' 'What we're talking about today and what we really do are far apart,' and 'I'm not giving away my secrets unless you hire me.'"
Thin Lizzie [Salon]