· Last night at Da Silvano: First it started with diners outside asking for four quarters for a dollar. Then, AMY SACCO and GRAYDON CARTER began putting a roll of quarters on their elbows, flinging their arm trying to catch the entire roll of quarters in their hands, but neither one of them succeeding. Two nights ago at Da Silvano, former ER actress JULIANA MARGOLIES raising her glass and announcing to her table "there are no bad actresses, just bad scripts" before asking her companions if any of them saw "Scrubs", and then proclaiming that she does theater for grocery money.
· i was on 14th street in front of MARKT in the MEAT PACKING today gearing up to jaywalk across 9th ave and this MERCEDES SUV thing is coming really slowly down 9th ave screwing up my flow. as i'm giving them the
"COULD YOU BRAKE OR ACCELERATE" look, i notice SPIKE LEE in the passenger's side of the truck giving the building, the sidewalk, etc the once over
seemingly location scouting.

· Saw Skid Row lead singer Sebastian Bach at Otis in Hell's kitchen last night. He was cool as shit, chillin with his boys and drinking pitchers. His hair is even bigger in person.
· Saw neo-soul singer Maxwell riding his bike down St. Mark's Place at about 10pm last night. He had on camoflauge. I guess he was trying to be incognito. Also, this morning, I saw pop singer Jessica Simpson eating breakfast at a deli on 56 and 5th ave. I don't think she was actually eating but the guy she was with was. She is very blond and very tan. Seemed friendly and appreciative when some fans acknowledged her.
· last night, around 8:30, saw yoko ono going walking north on wooster st. near west houston. she's super-skinny; it was actually kind of shocking.
· is natasha lyonne really a celebrity sighting anymore? she was at that s. williamsburg parking lot show w/ the rogers sisters and numbers last month. she also used to be ALL over st. mark's ... i used to wait on her all the time when i was asst. manager at mondo kim's. we'd chit-chat about roky erickson, things like that, then she'd try to talk me down in price on DVDs (yeah, me making $8.50 an hour "helping out" a semi-famous actress ... yeah right). one time she came in with clea duvall, who looked like a fucking wreck w/o her makeup on and asked to use our bathroom. i immediately thought she was trying to steal something and told her to go over to the mcdonald's next to the continental.
· August 5, 7:00 PM: Passed Jimmy Fallon while walking along Gramercy Park East. He must've sensed that I recognized him, because he did a little hunched-down-yet-peeking-up thing. He looks older and more rumpled in person, and thus more attractive. I turned around as he entered an apartment building, followed closely by a Mexican delivery guy carrying a box (seemed like he was carrying something for Jimmy).