[Gawker stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send sightings to tips@gawker.com]
· Spotted Adrien Brody, wearing aviator sunglasses and carrying a little white dog that looked more like a rat, with a male friend buying from a fruit stand at the cross section of 8th Ave. and Bleecker St (I know this square has a name, but what is it??). Walked along Bleecker Street behind him, witnessed every person he past [sic] do a double-take and gesticulate wildly.
· I saw 'detectives' Charlotte Ross and Dennis Franz taping exterior shots for an episode of NYPD Blue at the Supreme Court building at 60 Centre Street on Thursday. I took a photo of the beautiful Ross at the top of the stairs and a short video clip (thanks to my trusty Digital Elph) while walking by the set. I also was happy to stop to talk to a freelancer for Steven Bochco Productions who was busy directing New Yorkers off the sidewalk and into the street. He told me they were taping since 6 am and that the show, which is taped primarily in Los Angeles (the horror!), tapes all of its exteriors in the span of 2 weeks in NYC.

· Damon Dash of Roc-a-Fella goes into Fred Segal in L.A. He notices that they don't care Roca Wear at Fred Segal. Proceeds to get very upset, yelling and swearing all over the store. When a male sales clerk tries to calm him down and explains that "we don't carry Roca Wear because it's got a distribution deal with Bloomingdales", Dash tells him to f**k off and informs him that he's going to release a song trashing Fred Segal, and that the "bitch salesman" that will be referred to in the song will be him."
· Eriq LaSalle, formerly of "ER" and Michael Beach of "Third Watch" having brunch at Coffee Shop in Union Square Sunday. They lingered for quite a while and the normally nonverbal staff was actually friendly. It was quite a treat to see the disaffected too-short/tall/dumb-to-be-a-model staff there publicly acknowledge that there might be someone more famous and/or interesting than they.
· Suzanne Sommers alighting from a big van and heading to Mary's deli in Malibu, with a big grin — emerging with a bag full of treats that looked distinctly 'un-Sommersizable.' Note: Sommer's bout with cancer put her off limits for two years to we Malibu gossips, but she looks sexygood again, so it's time to put her back in the trash compactor (specially since her diet is utter bullshit.)
· Tribeca Bread opening a week and a half ago (I have no ties to it). Tom Brokaw was there with a gaggle of blonds surrounding him. He still had traces of his makeup on and my friends and I were wondering when when WHEN is it going to be noted that he is one of the biggest womanizers in the biz???? At DaSilvano's on Thursday-Graydon Carter was holding court at one of the outside tables with three hanger-oners. We think one was his girlfriend but not sure. He was in SHORTS with a short sleeve shirt on and talking LOUDLY about the September issue and how "fabulous" the royal pieces are. Ick...Thank God no one cares about royals in NY (or I am wrong-if I am-DON'T TELL ME). Anyway-it was drizzling on and off and really humid so his hair rose UP instead of flipping.
· Saw Jayson Blair and his girlfriend last Saturday night around 11:00 p.m. in Park Slope. They were sitting at the bus stop in front of the never-crowded Peruvian restaurant on 7th Ave and 3rd Street. A waiter who seemed to know them poked his head out of the restaurant and told them they could come in. They got off the bus stop bench and went in to the