LES blogger Lockhart Steele is soliciting pitches for new places on the Lower East Side, and it seems to be working, so I thought I'd shamelessly rip him off and make some requests of my own:
· We'd like to do more real estate/New York architecture coverage. As usual, send tips to tips@gawker.com.
· If we're not covering your publication, it may simply be because I don't have a subscription and/or its not on the web. If you'd like to send me a subscription, email editorial@gawker.com and I'll give you a mailing address.
· Listicles are annoyingly time-consuming because I have to think of a topic and research it instead of just indiscriminately ranting like I normally do. Suggestions for listicle topics are, therefore, greatly appreciated. Tips directing me to useful things, along the same lines, are also greatly appreciated.