Also in Black Book: Bruno Maddox, formerly of SPY magazine, profiles Karl Wenclas, literary antagonist and head of the Underground Literary Alliancewhich, despite being "underground," is happy to do press and most recently got no small amount of publicity by going after The Believer magazine and Page Six's Ian Spiegelman. An excerpt:

"The nation did still have great writers, Karl [Wenclas] knew, because he'd read themthink-out-side-the-box types with names such as Wild Bill Blackolive and Crazy Carl Robinsonbut because they didn't go to Brown and weren't making the nightly scene at Da Silvano's, their only hope of getting published was to go to Kinko's and talk to the man in the stripy shirt...His first step was to distribute among his zine-head friends a pamphlet of intent titled, 'How to Start a Literary Movement.' And then, by golly, he started one. Two years later, if Karl Wenclas didn't exactly have the Manhattan literary world cowering in the palm of his hand, he was at least in a position to tap it on the shoulder and have it turn and say, 'Yes, Karl, what is it?'"
Literary Terrorism [Black Book]