[Gawker stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send sightings to tips@gawker.com or add to comments below]
· At Da Silvano last night: Diane von Furstenberg at a table with a man in a white suit. The blonde guy from American Pie who had that weird rectal exam in Roadtrip. And Phyllis Diller (or an amazing doppelganger) who came out of the men's room while I was waiting for the ladie's and said, "Take the risk, Honey. It's not as bad as you'd think."
· Courtney Love literally ran into me at Victoria's Secret in Soho on Monday evening. She was being what seemed to be typical 'Courtney' rushing through, bumping into people, trying to get the saleslady to help her find her size Her boyfriend and the rest of the entourage were trailing behind. I was kind of disappointed that I couldn't get a better look at her face I wanted to check out how obvious all the plastic surgery is (it always shows up in the pictures), but I was trying to be the 'cool New Yorker,' like everyone else, and didn't stare. She was thinner than I thought she'd be.

· Today, 12:45 PM. (Not as cool as, say, a Hilton sister, but cool in a gen-x pop culture throwback sort of way, and well...he was in "A Mighty
Wind"): saw Paul Benedict or someone who looks all too much like him, on the 1 train going uptown. Disembarked at 72nd Street.
· Saw Jewel leaving the W Union Square this morning, wearing no makeup, around 9am. She's very wee in person but the bad teeth were very much in evidence!
· dimunitive nascar guy jeff gordon and his pneumatic galpal (who towered over him) at pastis for lunch. and david byrne looking positively grey with bike helmet in hand also at pastis