· Unholy alliance: Miramax chief Harvey Weinstein and ex-Sony Music boss Tommy Mottola are collaborating on projects. [NY Daily News]
· The Village Voice's Michael Musto 16 months ago on the Liza Minnelli/David Gest wedding: "The future Hollywood Babylon chapter should have been stopped and everyone there arrested for enabling it...This was dysfunctional overkill at its tawdriest. Dominick Dunne turned up, cementing one's suspicion that this was a crime scene...I left when Joan Collins arrived with her young beau and said she hopes Liza and David will be as happy as THEY are." [Page Six]
· Miramax chief Harvey Weinstein, on the Atkins diet, brings his own carrots to lunch at the Four Seasons. [Page Six]
· Sean Penn, overheard outside the Mercer Hotel Monday, yelling into his cell phone, "Why is Colin Farrell getting all the movies that I should be getting?" [Page Six]
· Liev Schreiber was spotted "taking off his trousers in the men's room at Pangaea and having them brought outside to a pal who couldn't get in wearing shorts. Liev and his pants were reunited in a few minutes when his friend gained entry." [Page Six]