Columnist James Lileks on Madonna's new Gap ad campaign: "So Madonna will be the Gap spokeshag this fall. She's part of a campaign to make everyone wear corduroy. Apparently the new management of Gap has bet the farm on corduroy, a fabric noted for making a skirr skirr skirr sound when you walk - if your legs are too big, which they won't be, because Madonna will not let fat people wear clothes she's promoting. She will show up at your house and say 'toike 'em awf, naw' in that Long-Island / English accent she has these days." I find Madonna in a Gap ad incredibly depressing. They should all be captioned, "This is what I've been reduced to! This and writing children's books! For the love of god, someone help me before I agree to do a Pier 1 commercial and have to watch myself grinning like a madwoman over faux-Etruscan vases on network TV! Help meeeeeee!"
The bleat [Lileks]